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On p h ysica l e xa m in a t io n, h is blood pressure is 135/85 mm Hg, heart rate is 96 bpm, respiratory rate is 28 bpm, and temperature is 97. He is using accessory muscles of respiration, and chest examination re ve als wh e e ze s an d rh on ch i b ilate rally, b ut n o crackle s are n ote d. Th e ante rop os- terior diameter of the chest wall appears increased, and he has inward movement of the lower rib cage with inspiration. Cardiovascular examination reveals distant heart sounds but with a regular rate and rhythm, and his jugular venous pressure is n o rm a l. H e reports a productive cough with yellowish-brown sputum every morning through- out the year. H e is sitting in a characteristic “tripod” position to facilitate use of accessory muscles of respirat ion. H e appears t o have airway obst ruct ion wit h respi- ratory distress, with lower chest retractions, and bilateral wheezes and rhonchi. Cardiovascular examinat ion reveals dist ant heart sounds but no signs of significant cardiac disease. Next diagnostic step: Arterial blood gas to assess oxygenation and acid-base st at us. Best initial treatment: O xygen by n asal can nu la, followed closely by br on ch od i- lat ors, and st eroids for air way inflammat ion. Be familiar with spirometry and flow-volume loops for diagnosis of obstructive and rest rict ive lung diseases. He is now in respiratory dis- tress with labored respirations, cyanosis, and wheezing. Rapid clinical assessment is critical in case this patient is headed toward respiratory failure, perhaps necessitating endotracheal intubation and mechanical vent ilat ion. D uring an acut e 2 exacerbat ion, more severe hypoxemia or hypercapnia, or respirat ory acidosis not ed test to diagnose pulmonary diseases (Figure 15– 1). Spirometric tracings of forced the type of lung disease (obstructive vs restrictive), as well as potential revers- l ibility of airflow obstruction. Specific paramet ers h elp t o 1 1 classify the t ype an d degree of lun g dysfun ct ion ( Table 15– 1). Br on ch od ilat or s ( b et a-agon ist an d an t ich olin er gic agen t s) are ad m in ist er ed via handheld nebulizers; systemic glucocorticoids accelerate the rate of improvement in lung funct ion among t hese pat ient s; ant ibiot ics should be given if t here is suspi- cion of a respirat or y infect ion. Cont rolled oxygen administ rat ion wit h nasal oxygen at low flows or oxygen with Venturi masks will correct hypoxemia without causing severe hypercapnia. Caution must be exercised in patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency whose respiratory drive is dependent on “relative hypoxemia”; these individuals may become apneic if excessive oxygen is administered! Acut e 2 respiratory failure is generally treated with endotracheal intubation and mechani- cal vent ilat or y suppor t t o cor r ect the gas-exch an ge disor der s. Complicat ion s of mechanical ventilat ion include difficult y in extubation, ventilator-associated pneu- monia, pneumothorax, and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Pat ient s wit h a rest ing hypoxemia (PaO < 5 5 m m H g or S aO < 8 8 %) gen er ally b en efit from h om e oxygen 2 2 therapy, which must be utilized at least 18 h/ d. She complain s of fat igu e an d dyspn ea wit h m in imal exer t ion, an d a cou gh that is productive each morning. Inspirat ory st ridor would occur wit h upper airway, usually ext rat horacic, obst ruct ion. For patients with chronic hypoxemia, supplemental oxygen has a sig- nificant impact on mortality, with a greater benefit with continuous usage, rather than intermittent or nocturnal-only usage. Th e cough began ap p roximately 3 months p rior to this app ointment, and it has become more annoying to the patient. He has had a sedentary lifestyle but recently started an exercise program, including jogging, and says he is having a much harder time with the exertion. His examination is notable for a blood pressure of 134/78 mm Hg and lung findings of occasional expiratory wheezes on forced expiration. H e is n ormot en sive, an d h is respira- tory examination reveals an occasional expiratory wheeze on forced expiration. Confirmation of diagnosis: Spiromet r y wit h t est ing for bronch odilat or respon- siveness and bronchoprovocat ion test ing if indicat ed. Co n s i d e r a t i o n s This is a 37-year-old man who presents with a chronic cough of more than 8 weeks’ duration. W ith the history of exercise intolerance, worsening cough at night, and occasional wheezes on examinat ion, asthma is the most likely diagnosis in this patient. A chest radiograph is important to evaluate for more serious processes such as t umor, infect ion, or ot h er et iologies of lung injury. Bacterial infections causing subacut e cough are usually due t o pert ussis, Chlamydia, or mycoplasma. P h ysiologically, cou gh is a r eflexive d efen se mech an ism t o clear the upper airways. The action of cough serves two main functions: (1) to protect the lungs against aspiration and (2) to clear secretions or other material into more proximal airways to be expectorated from the tracheobronchial tree. Evaluation begins with a detailed history and physical examination, including smoking habits, complet e m edicat ion list, envir on ment al an d occupat ion al exp osu r es, an d any h is- tory of lung disease. Specific questions regarding the precipitating factors, duration and nature of t he cough should be elicited. Although t he physical examinat ion or nature of the cough rarely identifies the cause, meticulous review of the ears, nose, throat, and lungs may suggest a particular diagnosis. End- expiratory wheezing suggests active bronchospasm, whereas localized wheezing may be consistent with a foreign body or a bronchogenic tumor. Ch ron ic cough in an immun ocompr omised pat ient is beyon d the scope of this discussion. O ften, a definitive diagnosis for chronic cough depends on observing a successful response to therapy. Referral to a pulmonologist is recommended when the diagnostic and empiric therapy options are exhausted. Managing cough as a defense mechanism and as a symptom: Aconsensus panel report of the American College of Chest Physicians. Init ial t reat ment for a nonallergic et iology usually includes combinat ion t reat - ment with a first-generation antihistamine and a decongestant for 3 weeks. For allergic rhinit is, a newer-generat ion ant ihist amine, along wit h a nasal cort icost e- roid, should be used. Opacification, air-fluid levels, or mucosal thickening could suggest sinusit is, which should be t reat ed wit h ant ibiot ics.

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The association of early antibiotic use with increased risk of late-onset serious bacterial infections remains under study purchase 20mg erectafil with mastercard impotence uk. Symptoms often occur between 7 and 30 days of life but can occur up to 3 to 4 months of age buy erectafil mastercard erectile dysfunction treatment in sri lanka. For infants presenting with convinc- ing signs and symptoms of sepsis purchase 20mg erectafil overnight delivery finasteride erectile dysfunction treatment, antibiotics may be continued even with negative cultures. For infants with positive cultures, therapy continues for 10 to 21 days depending on the organism and the infection site. One of the signs of infection in the newborn population is hyperbilirubinemia, along with other findings of temperature instability, poor feeding, lethargy, etc. Birth weight is 4000 g, and Apgar scores were 6 and 9 at 1 and 5 minutes, respectively. The mother noticed the baby has had decreased feeding over the pre- vious few days and has been sleeping more. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial choice of antibiotics for this infant? Young maternal age, low birth weight, rupture of membranes greater than 18 hours, initial Apgar less than 5, and maternal fever are additional risk factors for sepsis. The best initial treatment in this age group is broad-spectrum antibiotics such as ampicillin and cefo- taxime. Health care providers have immediate difficulty in determining whether the infant is a boy or girl. There appear to be small scrotal sacs that resemble enlarged labia and no palpable testes, with either a microphallus and hypospadias or an enlarged clitoris. Describe factors that influence gender assignment in infants with ambiguous genitalia. Considerations This neonate with sexual ambiguity represents a psychosocial emergency. Upon proper gender assignment for rearing and appropriate medical management, indi- viduals born with ambiguous genitalia should be able to lead well-adjusted lives and satisfactory sex lives. Gen- der assignment in the neonate born with sexual ambiguity should be influenced by the possibility of achieving unambiguous and sexually useful genital structures. Clear and comprehensive discussions with the parents, focusing on their understanding, anxieties, and religious, social, and cultural beliefs, are critical for an appropriate gender assignment. Once gender is assigned, it should be reinforced by appropriate surgical, hormonal, and psychological measures. An endocrinologist, clinical geneticist, urologist, and psychiatrist are essential members of the intersex evaluation team. The goals of the evaluation are to determine the etiology of the intersex problem, assign gender, and intervene with surgical or other treatment as soon as possible. Assessment After obtaining a careful history, a family pedigree should be constructed to identify consanguinity and to document cases of genital ambiguity, infertility, unexpected pubertal changes, or inguinal hernias. A thorough physical examination is crucial in determining the diagnosis and making the most reasonable gender assignment. A critical physical finding is the presence or absence of a testis in a labioscrotal compartment. Karyotype analysis using activated lymphocytes is an important first step in the laboratory evaluation of infants with ambiguous genitalia. Results with a high degree of accuracy typically can be available in less than 48 hours. Laparoscopy usually is not necessary in the newborn because primary emphasis is placed on the external genitalia and the possibilities for adequate sexual function in assigning gender. Treatment The major treatment consideration for infants with ambiguous genitalia is the possibility of achieving functionally normal external genitalia by surgical and hor- monal means, with judicious emphasis on cosmetic appearance. Because the pres- ence of ambiguous external genitalia may reinforce doubt about the sexual identity of the infant, reconstructive surgery is performed as early as medically and surgi- cally feasible, usually before 6 months of age. Feminizing genitoplasty is the most common surgical procedure performed in female pseudohermaphrodites, in true hermaphrodites, and in male pseudohermaphrodites reared as females. The goal of this surgery is to reduce the size of the clitoris while maintaining vascularity and innervation, feminizing the labioscrotal folds, and ultimately creating a vagina. Because of the high incidence of gonadal tumors in individuals with certain forms of gonadal dysgenesis, gonadectomy performed concurrently with the initial repair of the external genitalia is mandatory. A male with hypospadias often requires mul- tiple procedures to create a phallic urethra. Circumcision is avoided in these individu- als because the foreskin tissue is commonly used for reconstruction. Hormone substitution therapy in hypogonadal patients is prescribed so that secondary sexual characteristics develop at the expected time of puberty. Oral estrogenic hormone substitution is initiated in females, and repository injec- tions of testosterone are given to males. With the exception of some female pseu- dohermaphrodites and true hermaphrodites reared as females, disorders that cause ambiguous genitalia usually lead to infertility. Which of the following is the most likely expla- nation for the child’s ambiguous genitalia? Physical examination reveals a lethargic infant who has lost 250 g since birth, with pulse of 110 beats/min, dry oral mucosa, and no skin tur- gor. Which of the following serum levels should be checked after hemodynamic stabilization and electrolyte measurement? A mother brings in her 15-year-old daughter because she has never started her periods. Her past medi- cal history is unremarkable except for inguinal hernia repair as an infant. You examine a full-term 3780-g newborn in the nursery and notice that he has unilateral cryptorchidism and a microphallus with hypospadias. The gonad in the labioscrotal fold suggests a testis, but a uterus and an ovary on sonography are highly suggestive of a true hermaphrodite. Gender assign- ment in this case should be based on the possibility of surgical correction of the external genitalia. Assignment of female sex and an attempt to preserve ovarian tissue is appropriate. Without appropriate treatment (hydrocortisone, mineralocorticoid, and sodium supplementation), cardio- vascular collapse and death may occur within a few weeks. Testicular feminization results from decreased androgen binding to target tissues or androgen insensitivity, the latter being the most common form of male pseudohermaphroditism. Patients have functional testicular tissue, with normal or high testosterone levels. Main- taining female gender assignment is appropriate, and vaginoplasty is frequently needed after puberty.

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It is essen- The middle vault is then repaired as necessary with spreader/ tial that the surgeon not depend on the dressing to obtain cor- onlay grafts or suture techniques discount erectafil 20mg with mastercard erectile dysfunction kits. Management of posttraumatic nasal deformities: the Aesthetic reconstruction of a crooked nose via extracorporeal septoplasty generic 20 mg erectafil mastercard erectile dysfunction young causes. Treatment by separation cussion 607–608 of its components and internal cartilage splinting order erectafil once a day erectile dysfunction doctors northern virginia. Arch Facial Plast Surg 111: 2449–2457, discussion 2458–2459 2009; 11: 378–394 151 Management of the Dorsum 19 The Current Trend in Augm entation Rhinoplasty Jeffrey M. The typical Asian nose is char- cone implants are more likely to become distorted from calcifi- acterized by a broad low dorsum, decreased tip projection, cation. The sur- These characteristics often create the desire for alteration; most geon may use Gore-Tex sheets or carve the preformed implant Asian patients presenting for aesthetic rhinoplasty require aug- from a Gore-Tex block. However, it cosmetic surgery often demand higher nasal dorsum, a more is more expensive and harder to carve intra-operatively than projected and better-defined tip, and narrower alar bases. In a case series of 309 primary or revision rhinoplasty achieve higher dorsum and tip projection, various alloplastic operations, only 3. Of umella, where the greatest amount of pressure is exerted by the these, silicone implants and Gore-Tex are at present the most implant. Silicone implants can be largely divided varial bone grafts and costal cartilage grafts can provide an into two groups: (1) L-shaped ones that augment both the nasal ample supply of autogenous material for dorsal augmentation; tip and the dorsum and (2) straight ones for dorsal augmenta- nevertheless, many patients often shy away from these options tion only. Silicone implants are inexpensive, easy to carve, and implants for the nasal dorsum and autogenous grafts at the easily removed during revision surgeries. They are also well tol- nasal tip, where thinning of the skin and extrusion most often erated by most Asian patients with typically thicker subcutane- occur. In one surgeon’s 10-year experience,9 with monly employed for dorsal augmentation, and either septal car- 98% of the study population being Southeast Asian, only 0. On the other hand, not all Asian patients have thick skin and weak cartilaginous support. Therefore, it is important for the surgeon to carefully examine the patient and determine the cat- egory the patient belongs in: (1) thin skin+strong cartilage, (2) thick skin+strong cartilage, or (3) thick skin+weak cartilage. The strength of the nasal tip cartilage can be tested by applying digital pressure as shown in ▶Fig. If the patient has (1) thin skin and strong cartilaginous framework, as in typical northern European noses, then the surgeon can use the maneuvers often employed in Western noses to increase projection (e. If the patient has (2) strong cartilage but thick skin and subcutaneous tissue, then the best course of action is the use of autogenous cartilage onlay grafts for the tip in combination with alloplastic implants for the dor- sum. The trial of trimming the lower lateral cartilages or thin- ning the subcutaneous tissue of the tip to improve definition almost invariably will result in disappointment, for these patients tend to form excessive scar tissue in the area postoper- atively. On the other hand, if the patient has (3) thick skin and weak cartilage, the author recommends combining the techni- ques for both categories (1) and (2). The surgeon may also con- sider the use of premaxillary grafts to achieve the maximum possible projection (see the box Various Types of Asian Noses and the Suggested Methods of Nasal Augmentation (p. Thick skin+weak cartilages=2+interdomal suturing/ carti- lage columella strut/premaxillary grafts Commonly used autogenous cartilages for the Asian augmenta- tion rhinoplasty are septal cartilages. A systematic approach to augmentation Asian rhinoplasty has been discussed in this chapter; the following is a brief sum- mary of the discussion. First, it is crucial for the surgeon to rec- ognize the unique anatomical features of the Asian face and plan surgery accordingly. He or she would be naive to expect that typical rhinoplastic maneuvers used in Western noses will work well in Asians with thick skin and weak cartilaginous framework. Moreover, not all Asians have similar anatomical features; therefore, the author believes that the surgeon should first be able to classify the nose of the Asian patient into the Fig. Various surgical options including the choice of allo- plastic implants and different types of autogenous cartilage tip projection without altering the dorsal height. Currently, the combined technique patients are often concerned about excessive tip rotation that that employs alloplastic implants for nasal dorsal augmentation results in increased nostril showing, because it is considered (silicone versus Gore-Tex) and autogenous cartilage grafts (sep- aesthetically unpleasing in most Asian cultures. Finally, the surgeon should overly rotated nasal tip with excessive nostril showing. This make sure that the nose resulting from the rhinoplasty blends result was corrected by replacing the silicone implant with a well with the rest of the patient’s facial features, for these dorsal Gore-Tex implant for the nasal dorsum and adding a sep- patients are seeking aesthetic enhancement rather than com- arate auricular cartilage graft for the tip that allowed increased plete alteration of their ethnic identity. The use of augmentation rhinoplasty tech- References niques for the correction of the non-Caucasian nose. Arch Facial Plast Surg 1999; 1: 118–121, discussion 122 Reconstr Surg 1986; 77: 239–252 [11] Ahn J, Honrado C, Horn C. Arch Facial Plast Surg 2004; 6: 120–123 Arch Otolaryngol 1977; 103: 461–467 158 Sonic Rhinoplasty: Innovative Applications 20 Sonic Rhinoplasty: Innovative Applications Edmund Pribitkin and Jewel Greywoode approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration 20. Unfortunately, each of the recontouring of nasal bones,5 turbinate reduction (senior instruments traditionally used by rhinoplasty surgeons to author’s experience), endoscopic transorbital decompression reshape nasal bones exhibits shortcomings, which potentially (senior author’s experience), and dacryocystorhinostomy. Three-dimensional bone sought to replace these instruments with new ultrasonic tech- sculpting permits deepening of the glabellar angle, removal of nologies to enable safe, precise recontouring of the nasal bones. This may eliminate hump through a high-impact, blunt-force osteotomy typically the need for multiple or more aggressive osteotomies. The osteotome cuts lowing osteotomies, mobile bone fragments may be contoured through both cartilage and bone and tends to follow pathways without the risk of bony or cartilaginous avulsion. Improper use of the osteotome can result in palpable contour irregularities that can 20. The skin and soft tissue envelope overlying bony edges and asymmetric treatment of bones can be per- the upper and lower lateral cartilages is elevated in the subper- formed when necessary. Nonetheless, the rasp’s shearing forces ichondrial/superficial musculoaponeurotic system plane. The can injure underlying cartilage, avulse the upper lateral carti- upper lateral cartilages are submucosally separated from the lages from the nasal bones, or weaken the osseocartilaginous septum. The rasp also generates fragments of bone that can result pletely dissected free using a Cottle elevator. The shape of the rasp limits its use in deepening the glabellar angle and reducing the nasal 20. It is difficult to address irregularities with the rasp once the osteotomies have been made and the nasal bones are To address the bony and cartilaginous dorsum, an Aufricht mobile. Finally, if the rasp is improperly used, underlying carti- retractor is inserted underneath the soft tissue envelope to lage injury and overlying skin injury may occur. The incision through the septum is usu- ally carried beneath the nasal bones and the septal cartilage removed from the field. The handpiece allows for dorsal height and contour of the dorsum are achieved, any neces- concurrent irrigation and suction. Three-dimensional bone sculpting, In more than 150 cases to date, no skin injuries, inverted V therefore, can occur under direct visualization. Note that upper lateral cartilages and any residual cartilaginous septum are not reduced with the ultrasonic bone aspirator and need to be taken down separately. The capability to smooth rough edges Traditionally, glabellar deepening has been difficult to achieve and prevent palpable and/ or visible irregularities following even with specialized carbide rasps, power-assisted rasps, or osteotomies is especially helpful in thin-skinned patients. Although intermediate osteotomies may of the prominent glabella under direct visualization address these deformities, they may become visible/palpable or. Irregularities or asymmetries in reduction of the nasal spine with avoidance of bony irregular- the mobile nasal bones following osteotomies are difficult to ities.