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This hydrogen is transported to the lungs purchase mefenamic 500mg with amex muscle relaxant definition, where it is exchanged across the lungs and is measurable by the hydrogen breath test buy mefenamic 250mg low cost muscle relaxant in spanish. The colonic fora also produces carbon dioxide discount 500 mg mefenamic visa spasms hands, short-chain faty acids, organic acids, and trace gases in the presence of unabsorbed fructose. The presence of gases and organic acids in the large intestne causes gastrointestnal symptoms such as bloatng, diarrhea, fatulence, and gastrointestal pain Exercise can exacerbate these symptoms by decreasing transit tme in the small intestne, resultng in a greater amount of fructose being empted into the large intestne. By contrast, glucose tends to pass through the liver (Km of hepatc glucokinase = 10 mM) and can be metabolised anywhere in the body. Fructolysis Fructolysis initally produces fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, which is split to produce phosphate derivatves of the trioses dihydroxyacetone and glyceraldehyde. These are then metabolized either in the gluconeogenic pathway for glycogen replenishment and/or complete metabolism in the fructolytc pathway to pyruvate, which afer conversion to acetyl-CoA enters the Krebs cycle, and is converted to citrate and subsequently directed toward ’’de novo’’ synthesis of the free faty acid palmitate. Accumulated citrate can 120 121 be transported from the mitochondria into the cytosol of hepatocytes, converted to acetyl CoA Metabolic syndromes by citrate lyase and directed toward faty acid synthesis. Although all simple sugars have nearly identcal chemical formulae, each has distnct chemical propertes. One study concluded that processed high fructose corn syrup "produced signifcantly higher fastng plasma triacylglycerol values than did the glucose diet in men" and ". The spontaneous chemical reacton of simple sugar molecules to proteins, known as glycaton, is thought to be a signifcant cause of damage in diabetcs. Fructose appears to be equivalent to glucose in this regard and so does not seem to be a beter answer for diabetes for this reason alone, save for the smaller quanttes required to achieve equivalent sweetness in some foods. This may be an important contributon to senescence and many age-related chronic diseases. This is not surprising, since sucrose is a disaccharide that digests to 50% fructose and 50% glucose, whereas the high-fructose corn syrup most commonly used on sof drinks is 55% fructose and 45% glucose. Fructose has a very low Health effects glycemic index of 19 ± 2, compared with 100 for glucose and 68 ± 5 for sucrose. Studies show that fructose consumed before a meal may even lessen the glycemic response of the meal. These efects may lead to bloatng, excessive fatulence, loose stools, and even diarrhea depending on "The medical profession thinks fructose is beter for diabetcs than sugar," says Meira Field, Ph. For many people, fructose malabsorpton is a major health a research chemist at United States Department of Agriculture, "but every cell in the body can concern. The livers of the rats on the high fructose diet looked like the livers of alcoholics, plugged with fat and cirrhotc. Miami School of Medicine, "the liver goes bananas and stops everything else to metabolize the de/Organische Chemie/Didaktk/Keusch/D-fermentaton sugar-e. It is recommended that a maximum intake of 25g - 40g per day is adopted, provided that this is counted towards the daily calory count. Fruit Sugar has the advantage Journal of Clinical Nutriton 58 (5 Suppl): 737S–747S. American Journal of Clinical allowance can be stretched by using less for most applicatons. Levulose comes from the Latn word laevus, levo, "lef side", levulose is the old word for the most occurring isomer of fructose. Fulltext "Long-term fructose consumpton accelerates glycaton and several age-related variables in male rats. Prefeeding Reduces the Glycemic Response to a High-Glycemic Index, Starchy Food in Humans. However, postprandial suppression of ghrelin, and increases triglycerides in women". J Clin Endocrinol those drinking the fructose-sweetened beverage experienced an array of other unhealthy efects, Metab. Retrieved • Less sensitvity to insulin, one of the frst signs of diabetes 2007-07-15. People who drank the refned glucose-sweetened beverage, meanwhile, experienced no such changes. When glucose is consumed, a set of reactons occur in the body allowing it to be used as energy, 63. Recipe Informaton for home baking at and producton of leptn, a hormone that helps control appette and fat storage, is increased. Meanwhile, ghrelin, a stomach hormone, is reduced, which is thought to help hunger go away. Glucose, Fructose and Sucrose: What’s the Diference Between When refned fructose is consumed, however, it "appears to behave more like fat with respect These Sugars … and Which is the Worst for Your Health? That suggests sugary treats may all go down sweetly, but a that consuming a lot of fructose, like consuming too much fat, could contribute to weight gain. Most Sweets Contain Refned Fructose or Refned Sucrose It may all taste equally sweet, but the type of sugar you eat maters big-tme for your health. This news may compel you to begin searching for glucose-sweetened versions of your favorite desserts and sodas, but most sugary products are made with either refned sucrose or fructose, The three main types of sugar in queston are: ofen in the form of high-fructose corn syrup. Glucose: made when your body breaks down Sucrose is made of 50% fructose and 50% glucose, whereas high-fructose corn syrup can be either starches 55% fructose, 45% glucose, or 42% fructose, 58% glucose. Fructose: the sugar found naturally in fruits What this means is that you’ll be hard pressed to fnd products sweetened with glucose, and may and widely used in the form of high-fructose risk the side efects discovered in this study no mater which type you choose. Walter Willet, chair of the department of nutriton at the Harvard School of Public Health, long-term consumpton of sugared drinks, which are typically sweetened with Afer drinking either a refned fructose- or glucose- high-fructose corn syrup, may double your risk of obesity. Part of the risk is simply from the extra sweetened beverage that made up 25 percent 128 129 calories, but part is also due to the high fructose content in the drinks. Meanwhile, Gymnema Sylvestre has shown promising results in safely controlling blood sugar levels in diabetcs, while helping with weight loss, hypoglycemia, high cholesterol, anemia and digeston problems. Gymnemic acid molecules have a unique shape that are similar to glucose, meaning they are able to fll cell receptors in the lining of your intestnes, preventng uptake of sugar molecules and resultng in lower blood sugar levels. Meanwhile, gymnemic acid and Gymnema leaf extract interfere with the ability of your taste buds to taste sweet or biter. Gymnema sylvestre, dubbed the “sugar destroyer,” is known to help weight loss by signifcantly decreasing The most efectve form of this ancient herb that Sixwise has found is Beta Fast Glucose Balance. In animals, fructose-rich diets • Digeston increase the producton of fat and promote resistance to the energy-regulatng hormone insulin. Parent of Georgia State University and her colleagues fed 11 adolescent rats a diet in which refned fructose supplied 60 percent of the calories. The scientsts trained the rats to fnd a submerged platorm in a pool, with the help of surrounding cues. Whereas the control group spent most of its tme around role in supportng healthy cholesterol levels, including the platorm’s old locaton, the fructose-fed rats visited this area signifcantly less ofen. Parent’s team is examining whether the hippocampus of the memory-impaired rats became resistant to the • Produced high levels of insulin 130 131 hormone.

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Chronic laryngits (iii) Subglotc (i) Non-specifc (iv) Transglotc - extensive tumours with a poor prognosis (ii) Tuberculosis Microscopic appearances (iii) Syphilis (i) Squamous (iv) Fungal infectons (ii) Spindle squamous cell (v) Scleroma (iii) Verrucous squamous cell (vi) Leprosy (iv) Anaplastc C discount mefenamic 250 mg on line spasms symptoms. Goblet-cell hyperplasia (i) Multple Variable squamous metaplasia (ii) Single - pneumatocele (ii) Bronchial sero-mucinous glands 4 buy cheap mefenamic 500mg on line muscle relaxant drug test. Gland to wall-thickness rato (Reid index) increased (ii) Cardiac (iii) Submucosa 6 buy mefenamic 250 mg online muscle relaxant essential oils. Absence of bronchial connectons - sequestraton Chronic infammatory cell infltraton 7. Acute laryngo/tracheo-bronchits (iii) Cardiac failure (i) Bacterial/viral (iv) Respiratory failure (ii) Atmospheric polluton or irritant gases a. Unresolved pneumonia (ii) Obstructve - where the hypersecreton is combined with airways obstructon b. Complicatng chronic sinusits (iii) Persistent or recurrent infecton, especially Haemophilus infuenzae (ii) Extrinsic pressure on bronchi (iv) Familial predispositon a. Tenacious mucus in mucoviscidosis (vi) Muscular hypertrophy (iv) impaired pulmonary defence mechanisms (vii) Thickened basement membrane a. Congenital immunodefciency (ii) Sudden death Complicatons (iii) Mucus plugging and pulmonary collapse (i) Lung abscess (iv) Allergic broncho-pulmonary aspergillosis (ii) Empyema thoraces (v) Pneumothorax (iii) Pyaemia - metastatc abscesses (vi) Mucus hypersecreton (iv) Pulmonary fbrosis C. Acute bacterial pneumonia (vi) Secondary to amyloidosis (i) Lobar pneumonia - acute difuse infammaton involving an entre lobe of lung and limited only by the pleura Causes Bronchial asthma a. Grey hepatsaton (iii) Desquamaton of epithelium Complicatons (iv) Sputum fndings a. Viral pneumonia Causes (ii) Bronchopneumonia (lobular) - patchy, ofen multfocal infammatory consolidaton of lung a. Metastatc abscesses (iii) Phycomycosis Lung abscess (iv) Cryptococcosis Causes (v) Blastomycosis (i) Inhalaton of infected material, e. Protozoan infectons (v) Infected thrombo-emboli (especially in drug addicts) (i) Pneumocysts carinii (vi) Penetratng injuries (ii) Amoebiasis Complicatons 6. Metazoan infectons (i) Scarring and deformity of the lung 410 411 (i) Schistosomiasis (ii) Paragonimiasis (iii) Ascariasis (iv) Hydatd disease E. Lymphoproliferatve disorders (i) Pulmonary lymphoid hyperplasia (ii) Lymphoid intersttal pneumonia (iii) Lymphoma 3. Difuse infltratve lung diseases Diseases characterised by difuse infammaton and fbrosis of the connectve tssue of the alveolar walls (intersttal fbrosis). Mesothelioma (iv) Berylliosis (v) Siderosis (iron oxide) 412 413 (vi) Stannosis (tn ore partcles) b. Intermitent positve-pressure ventlaton (ii) Hypersensitvity to drugs - nitrofurantoin, salazopyrine, amiodorone, hexamethonium, (ii) Tearing of alveolar walls by direct trauma (iii) Toxic substances - paraquat poisoning (herbicide) a. Vesicular emphysema - an increase in size beyond the normal in air spaces distal to terminal bronchioles, that is the pulmonary acini. An acinus contains the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar (i) Extrinsic allergic alveolits ducts, and alveoli arising from one terminal bronchiole. Compensatory emphysema following collapse, agenesis, surgical removal of a lobe(s) (iii) Connectve tssue disorders Destructve type a. Mucus hypersecreton 414 415 (i) Epithelial goblet cells increase and extend into bronchioles c. Tumour (ii) Hyperplasia of mucus cells in sero-mucinous glands (iv) Pressure on the lung (iii) Compositon of mucus changes - hyperviscous and tenacious a. G-forces in aircrew (ii) Loss of protectve proteins from serous cells of glands and clara cells J. Epithelial (i) Proteases increase - from infammatory cells (i) Papilloma (ii) Ant-proteases decrease - reduced clara cells a. Liquor amnii (ii) Chondroma (ii) In associaton with hyaline membrane disease (iii) Lipoma (iii) Brain damage involving the respiratory centre (iv) Fibroma 2. Lung collapse (afer full aeraton) Causes (v) Neurofbroma (i) Obstructon of the bronchial lumen 3. Infammatory fbrosis (v) Exposure to radio-actve materials (iii) External pressure on a bronchus Varietes a. Aortc aneurysm (ii) Small cell carcinoma 416 417 (iii) Adenocarcinoma (i) Primary viral infectons, e. Empyema - a collecton of pus in the pleural space resultng from the introducton of pyogenic organisms through trauma to the chest wall or by spread of infecton from: (v) Giant cell carcinoma (i) Bacterial pneumonia (vi) Clear cell (ii) Lung abscess (vii) Adeno-squamous (iii) Broncho-pleural fstula (viii) Adenoid cystc (iv) An infected neoplasm (ix) Muco-epidermoid (v) Abdominal sepsis Spread Chronic (i) Local - to pleura, diaphragm, and pericardium 1. Non-specifc, following acute infectons (ii) Lymphatc - to ipsilateral and contralateral lymph nodes and then to mediastnal, and cervical nodes 2. Rupture of sub-pleural bulla of neuro-endocrine tumours ranging from classical carcinoid tumours through atypical carcinoids 2. Pulmonary asbestosis in 12-45% 418 419 They show heterogeneous histological paterns: (i) Simple a. Sarcomatous type resembling fbrosarcoma (iii) End stage disease of patents receiving maintenance dialysis c. Acute pyelonephrits Involvement of the pleura by metastatc tumour is relatvely common and frequently presents as Acute bacterial infecton of the kidney and renal pelvis, usually resultng from ascending infecton a pleural efusion. The major causes of a malignant pleural efusion are: of the urinary tract, but some cases may result from haematogenous or lymphatc spread. Carcinomas of the lung Ascending infecton usually follows bacterial contaminaton of the urine in the bladder with or without true infecton of the bladder wall - cystts 3. Developmental lesions (ii) Ureteric refux (i) Agenesis (iii) Catheterisaton (ii) Hypoplasia (iv) Diabetes mellitus (iii) Heterotopia, e. Multcystc (unilateral or bilateral) (iii) Scatered, rounded or linear abscesses in the cortex and medulla b. Hereditary lesions (i) Renal carbuncle (i) Polycystc disease (ii) Peri-nephric abscess a. Adult (iv) Acute renal failure (ii) Renal medullary cystc disease (v) Pyonephrosis a. Medullary cystc disease/familial juvenile nephronophthisis (vi) Chronic pyelonephrits b. Medullary sponge kidney (vii) Septcaemia (iii) Renal cysts in hereditary syndromes, tuberous sclerosis, etc. Tuberculosis an elevated serum lgA and have increased ttres to respiratory pathogens including Mycoplasma (i) Miliary pneumoniae and infuenza virus. Most cases are idiopathic but known causes include: Immunostaining helps to determine the diagnostc category (i) Drug hypersensitvity, partcularly to gold and penicillamine a. Focal glomeruloscierosis (iii) Secondary tubular atrophy Hyaline thickening of mesangial regions and capillary loops of focal and segmental distributon, (iv) Intersttal fbrosis usually presentng in childhood as the nephrotc syndrome. Severe acute pyelonephrits (ii) Tubular epithelial necrosis, with desquamaton of cells forming casts e. Malignant hypertension (iii) Calcium oxalate crystals in the lumen in some cases f. Polyarterits nodosa (iv) Rupture of the tubular basement membrane tubulorrhexis g. Glycogen accumulaton (iv) Chronic renal failure (i) Diabetes mellitus 426 427 (ii) Glycogenoses b.


  • Heat exhaustion
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A person in the latent stage may occasionally return to the symptoms of secondary infecton buy mefenamic overnight spasms near ovary. Tertary Infecton Symptoms: Tertary syphilis occurs in 40% of untreated infected persons order 500mg mefenamic with amex spasms right side of back. It is the stage at which the long-term damage caused by syphilis bacteria results in various major health complicatons buy mefenamic with visa spasms cure. These complicatons can include major internal or external sores, serious cardiovascular and mental health problems, and damage to other organs such as the eyes and ears. Testng Syphilis testng is performed through a blood test, or by a swabbing from an infected sore. Remember, a person can reacquire syphilis infecton, so their partner(s) should also be tested. For those with symptoms, outbreaks may occur frequently during the frst few years afer infecton. However, both types can infect Infecton from oral sex can cause sores inside the mouth or on the lips of both men and women. There is no cure for genital herpes and ofen people will have recurring outbreaks. During these outbreaks the infected person will have sores and symptoms for a while, then the virus will go Testng into a dormant stage and the person will have no symptoms again untl the next outbreak. The Testng for Herpes is performed by taking a tssue scraping sample or by taking a culture of an number of outbreaks and the amount of tme between outbreaks varies from person to person. It is stll possible to transmit the virus during the dormant stages when a person has no symptoms. Outbreaks of sores may appear Genital Herpes is spread through skin-to-skin contact with an infected area, typically during oral, again and again throughout a person’s life. When transmited through oral sex, a herpes infecton can be passed both ways - from mouth to genitals, or from Managing the symptoms of genital herpes infecton: genitals to mouth. The herpes virus is not spread through shared toilet seats, swimming pools, hot tubs or bathtubs. Medicaton is available to help treat Symptoms infected areas and to reduce the pain of sores. Long-term impact Symptoms for both men and women include: • Itchiness of genitals There is no cure for Herpes, but frequency and severity of infectons can be partally managed with • Small blisters in the vagina or on the vulva or cervix; on or around the penis or testcles; on or medicaton. Infected pregnant • Tender lumps on the groin (especially at the tme of the frst episode) women can pass the virus to infants during birth, causing lesions and possibly life-threatening • The frst episode may be accompanied by fever or headaches. These sores may dry up leaving scabbing which may cause meningits or encephalits (infammaton of the brain), and herpes infecton of the eye can fall of cause scarring of the cornea and even blindness. For an existng partner, there is a chance they may already have the virus but they may experience no symptoms or only mild symptoms. If you are diagnosed with the herpes simplex virus, it is important that your partner be tested even if he or she does not have symptoms. Having Genital Herpes does not mean your sex life is over, but it is an incurable, contagious infecton. It can be transmited through oral sex, and can be transmited when you have no symptoms. So, when deciding to have sex, you and your partner will have to accept a certain amount of risk. Some suppression medicatons for Herpes may also lower the risk of transmitng the virus. Oral sex can transmit the virus both ways (from mouth to genitals or from genitals to mouth) so protecton is very important for both partners. For women, a dental dam or a condom cut lengthwise should be placed over her genitals to form a barrier between mouth and skin. These include surfaces of the skin, lining of the mouth, tongue, throat, tonsils, vagina, penis, cervix, and anus. In women, genital warts can appear on the vulva, urethra, potentally life-threatening conditon for the child. These lesions Though usually painless, symptoms for genital warts include: (medically known as dysplasia, or abnormal cells of the cervix) are considered to be a pre- cancerous conditon. There are three • Itching or burning sensaton and occasional minor bleeding as a result of anal sex or bowel types of cervical dysplasia: mild, moderate and severe. Research has shown a strong link • Fear of rejecton by their partner, loss of sexuality and enjoyment of sex. The most common means of transmission is by skin-to-skin test (smear) or colposcopy. Studies contact with the penis, scrotum, vagina, vulva, or anus of an infected person. Using a condom does not guarantee 26 27 psychological consequences including: node removal. Side-efects associated with this procedure include: inability to control urinaton, sexual problems, psychological stress, and swelling in the legs. There are some benefts from chemotherapy • Changes in body image; and radiaton therapy. Disease that has spread beyond the pelvis is generally regarded as incurable • Concerns about loss of reproductve functons. Even when you have been vaccinated, you Trichomoniasis, or trich (pronounced “trick”), is a should always use a condom during sex to protect yourself. For women, these infecton and in the case of cervical cancer the stage of development. In men, the infecton is usually in the Genital warts urethra, or under the foreskin of uncircumcised men. A new product, Imiquimod cream, Trichomoniasis is spread through sexual contact is now available and has had some success at stmulatng the immune system to fght the virus. Depending on the size, number of warts and where they are located, other methods for removal Preventon of external warts include: The best way to help prevent Trichomoniasis is to use a condom each and every tme you have sex. If symptoms do appear, they usually appear within one week of infecton, though they can take up to six months. Optons at this stage can include In men, trichomoniasis is rare and most men will not have symptoms. If the cancer has invaded deeper layers of the cervix and has spread to the uterus, more extensive treatment may be involved such as a radical hysterectomy with lymph 28 29 For men symptoms may include: • mild discharge • irritaton or redness at the top of the penis • burning during urinaton • Men may ofen become unknowing carriers of trich infectons. Treatment is required to ensure that a trich infecton is completely gone About half of women will have symptoms of a trich infecton. For women, symptoms may include: • Discharge from the vagina • Vaginal odour • Pain during intercourse or urinaton • Irritaton or itchiness of the vagina Testng Testng may be done by physical examinaton or lab testng to detect the parasite. In some cases, the tny sores caused by trichomoniasis may be detected during a routne pap test for women; however, pap smears do not specifcally test for sexually transmited infectons, and you should never rely on a pap smear to detect trichomoniasis or any other sexually transmited infectons. Treatment Typically, trichomoniasis can be treated with a single oral dose of an antbiotc called Metronidazole. However, Trichomonas can be reacquired easily so it is important that you and your partner(s) be treated together.

Bob Beck’s Brain Tuner helps restore the body’s ability to produce neurotransmiters cheap mefenamic 500 mg with amex spasms sleep. The north seeking needle of a compass points to the point where it could deal efectvely with cancer buy generic mefenamic online muscle relaxant generic. If you are a do-it-yourself kind of person generic mefenamic 250 mg visa spasms in spanish, it may be possible to make economical electro-medicine If you have cancer and decide to use the Beck protocol, keep the devices away from your tumor. Blood electrifcaton results in a state called electroporaton which means that cells much more readily absorb substances in the blood. It would be interestng if researchers investgated electroporaton as a possible means to increase the efectveness of chemotherapy, thereby reducing the dosage required. Bob Beck, the amount of electrical current created in the body by the Zapper is so small it is unmeasurable. Beck created a device whereby two electrodes are strapped over the radial artery and ulna artery pulse points on the wrist and the appropriate electrical current passes into the blood. Start with daily 20 minute sessions 44 45 tissue injured and work up to two hour sessions. Bob Beck’s Magnetc Pulse Generator is designed to induce electrical current at a distance. It is the rhythm of the organism the lymph system and various internal tssues to deactvate bacteria, viruses and fungi wherever dancing life into being, in which every single player is freely improvising and yet keeping in tune they may be. Four thousand years ago, estmates show, the strength of Earth’s magnetc feld was 2. Paul Becker’s EarthPulse device generates a pulsed one half gauss electromagnetc feld. David Williams writes favorably of this device in his March 2004 issue of Alternatves. To make maters worse, our environment is fooded with man-made electromagnetc felds that override the frequencies that resonate in the brain and other body tssues. Some of the more The cells in your body constantly draw energy from the brain and the Earth’s electromagnetc feld common sources include computers, cell phones, fuorescent lights, televisions, hair dryers, digital in an efort to achieve what is called “magnetc resonance. Editor’s note: With the weakening of the earth’s magnetc feld and the maddening deluge of Other vital functons related to magnetc resonance are being discovered almost daily by those man-made electromagnetc felds, it is essental that we learn a technique such as Transcendental working in the emerging feld of quantum medicine. Your choice is 92;(abstract 2433) (Sci Week 00;Vol4(32)) to do nothing and experience degeneratng physical and mental health, or learn how to increase Dr. That’s between F1 and F2 in the standard nomenclature system to halfway Hulda Clark. Over and over again we found these frequencies in people with remarkable use for acceleratng wound healing. Becker, Robert, and Gary Selden, The Body Electric, William Morrow and Company, Inc, New York, Increased coherence in brain actvity during Transcendental 1985. Nearly all tssues have been shown to produce or transmit various kinds of electrical charge. Also shown is the low coherence seen during sleep, and like a sheath compose 90% of the brain. The perineural cell electrical direct current fows from at the other extreme the maximum coherence seen during “yogic fying”. But the kind that gets applied to the human body, either as an investgatve tool or as a immune system stmulator, • This direct current system is infuenced by external electromagnetc felds. We’re looking, here, at ultra-cheap ways to • The back to front direct current in the brain changes with state of consciousness. The current deal with problems big pharma has only ofered ultra-expensive, ultra-proftable, ways to solve. I said - “Electricity can do, at a mini-fracton of the cost, what any pharmaceutcal • Experiments with salamanders indicates that placing the brain between the poles of a can do. One’s in Seatle, Washington, and the other is in that contnues as long as the electrical current contnues, though the animals remained BudaPest, Hungary by Desire’ Dubounet. Actually, I’m a speaker unresponsive for up to half an hour afer the current was turned of, much the same as with there Saturday night, during the politcs of health porton. How do I know big pharma is in panic • All brain wave frequencies are in the same range as the earth’s low frequency (one to 25 Hz) mode and has pulled out the stops? We all know that North American health care’s massive reliance on the concept of “drugs as Each pulse produces millions of tny eddy currents briefy fowing in circles. The feld expands at the beginning of a pulse, the currents circle in one directon; as it collapses, Pharmaceutcal industry, as a whole, is going the way of buggy whips, and horse carriages. Nordenström, Björn, Biological Closed Electric Circuit Clinical, Experimental, and Theoretcal Drug “treatments” are a scam. Evidence for an Additonal Circulatory System, Nordic Medical Publicatons, Stockholm, Sweden, Americans want to be healthy, not medicated. The 86 internatonally recognized contributors to Bioelectromagnetc Medicine have strived to insure that this book will remain the Big Pharma doesn’t want to die gracefully. Its 50 chapters and thousands of references dealing with they’re fghtng of their own end is, of course, their so-called “quackbuster” operaton - labeling every aspect of this topic make it an essental guide for physicians and all health care professionals, compettors to endless drugs as “quacks,” and using their infuence at our government agencies biophysicists, physiologists, biochemists and other basic scientsts, as well as students and anyone to damage their natural enemies. To a certain extent this has been working - for they’ve poured a interested in non-invasive and authoritatve alternatve medicine approaches. Valone, Thomas, Bioelectromagnetc Healing: A Ratonale For Its Use, Integrity Research Inst. Patent Engineer investgatng the many New enemies to big Parma’s interests are popping up everywhere like weeds in a cornfeld, afer electromedicine devices that he describes in this highly technical book. There’s an interestng situaton going on in the war between “health” and “medicine” in the United Yes. American corporatons have begun to realize that a huge chunk of the North America’s Gross Yup. And, big American corporatons are picking up a And yes, they know about the work of Tesla, Royal Raymond Rife, Hulda Clark, Bob Beck, etc. The only thing “American” about big pharma is it’s being being half of the word “Ant- Did I tell you that there is an electronic cure for malaria being successfully tested in Africa? I took Hulda Regher Clark, PhD, Naturopath, and eight other “electric/electronic health care” friends with me. The key words here are “quackbusters, drug and the Defense contractors and suppliers “was not a good thing for America. That’s why the “quackbuster” force it to more correctly name itself “Operaton Cure-Nothing. There are so many people working on electrical solutons to health problems that big pharma is in a “Operaton Cure-Nothing”. They told me that their original functon was to fnd out what harmful efects internet who dares to suggest that there is anything other than “treatment” available in health current electronic military hardware might be having on their crew members - if any. When the word “cure” is found on a website, the alarms go of, and an into the human body.