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In the same vein purchase reminyl discount medications bad for your liver, the invention of rollers for waving made possible the very short buy reminyl in india medicine to prevent cold, layered Italian look cheap 8mg reminyl with visa 6 mp treatment. In the 1960s the availability of natural-look- ing hair pieces in the form of full wigs, half wigs, or long falls, at all prices, enabled almost every woman to own one or more to suit her taste and mood. Long Hair In the ancient world, long hair and long-haired wigs were the province of aristocracy. Sumeri- ans and Persians powdered, curled, crimped and dyed their hair, and the horse-borne barbar- ians who overran Europe in the Middle Ages wore long flowing locks and beards. In Africa, where hair frequently denoted sex and status, the Massai males wore their hair waist-length, whereas, women and noncombatants shaved their heads. Chinese and Japanese women traditionally wore long hair, possibly under a bandeau or worn as a knot, which might be decorated. In Japan, the introduction of pomade in the seventeenth century led to the familiar sweep, arranged with combs, bars, ribbons, and ornamental hairpins, which revealed the nape of the neck. In the fifteenth century, fashionable ladies of northern Europe plucked their hairline to make their foreheads seem higher and scraped their hair back under an elaborate pointed or wired headdress. In the twenty-first century, when hair fashions are so driven by celebrity, long hair in the West is associated with young females and males of an artistic bent. Unlike the rebellious 1960s and 1970s, long hair is now uncommon as a male phenomenon. Celebrity Hair Hairstyles in the West have been greatly influenced by changing fashions for generations. Civil wars and religion have influenced fashions with the long curling locks of the royalist Anglican Cavaliers and the cropped hair of the parliamentarian Puritan Roundheads. The portraits of Flemish artist Sir Anthony Van Dykes influenced facial hairstyles in the late seventeenth century. In the 1890s the Gibson Girl’s pompadour was combed over a pad, making a high wide frame for the face, and swept up behind. Heated irons, such as the waving iron invented by the French hairdresser Marcel Grateau in the 1870s, allowed women to achieve curls, crimping, and the natural-looking Marcel wave. In the twentieth century the broad reach of print and electronic media increasingly influenced the world of fashion, including hairstyles. Hair and Ethnic Allegiance The wearing of dreadlocks is very closely associated with ethnic allegiance, has biblical associa- tions (Leviticus 21:5), and is in deliberate opposition to the straighter hair of Caucasian persons. Interestingly, dreadlocks are no longer exclusive to people of direct African descent. Indeed there are ascetic groups within nearly every major religion that have at times worn their hair in this fashion. The way to form natural dreadlocks is to allow hair to grow in its natural pattern, without cutting, combing, or brushing, and washing it with pure water. During the 1960s and 1970s, Black Power and other black pride movements in the United States brought about the emergence of the Afro hairstyle. Men and women grew their hair out to significant diameters away from their head as a rejection of Eurocentric standards of beauty, an embracing of African heritage and roots, and a confirmation of the idea that “Black Is Beautiful. Eventually, this hairstyle grew away from its political and cultural connotation and was embraced by the mainstream. Other hairstyles often worn by people of African descent are cornrows and braids, two styles that survived in the African diaspora. While recent years have brought about a move- ment among women of African descent to wear their hair naturally, most in the Western world have their hair relaxed or straightened (Fig. Haircare The “care” of hair is of greater social importance than perhaps is immediately apparent. It is a key component of the so-called “physical attractiveness phenomenon” and is the last aspect of our appearance we attend to in the mirror as we leave for work or play. Advice on haircare is an increasingly frequent part of the dermatologist/trichologist’s role. Patients with diffuse hair loss, the recovering alopecia areata, and post-chemotherapy patients all rightly expect cosmetic advice as part of holistic management. A haircare regimen includes a basic cleansing and conditioning product often with a number of variants to meet consumer needs. These products are generally used separately, and conditioning usage is much less than shampoo. Combination, or 2-in-1, products developed by Procter and Gamble in the late 1980s delivered for the first time cleansing and conditioning benefits from a single bottle. Regimen ranges were classically designed for three hair types: normal, dry, or damaged hair. Subsequent generations of products were created to deliver a desired end-benefit, such as “smooth and sleek,” “perfect curls,” and “color radiant. Managing frizzy hair is important and products for so-called “ethnic” hair are emerging. While previous generations may have had nothing and relied solely on grooming, in an increasingly competitive society, the pro- longed wearing of unwashed, matted, and neglected hair is considered unusual at the very least. In some developed societies, bar soaps for washing the scalp, particularly among men, are still common. These harsh anionic surfactant systems are not just poor cleansers, but also lead to extensive calcium salt buildup in the hair and reduced grooming capability. Daily shampooing alone can be harmless to the hair shaft, and in itself can improve the ability to groom and style. Shampoos Modern high-quality shampoos have evolved from agents that once merely and harshly removed grease (sebum), perspiration, environmental dirt, and dead corneocytess. In the twenty-first century they contain agents that enhance the natural beauty of hair and mitigate the damage inflicted by the owners. Shampoos consist of three major components: primary surfactants for detergency and foaming power, secondary surfactants to improve and condition the hair, and additives that complete the formulation and add special aesthetic effects. The surfactants or detergents act by removing the dirt from the hair with a lipophilic component and transferring it to the rinse water with hydrophilic component. Moisturizing Shampoos The latest generation of shampoos, designed for dry hair, can include essential oils such as petrolatum as well as the surfactant systems described above. They are orientated toward those with hair of African origin or hair that is excessively dry. The prevailing belief was that a shampoo was a shampoo, and that anything available in the general market could be used for all hair types. However, African hair benefits from shampoos that contain mild cleansing agents (detergents) that help detangle the hair and are pH balanced in the range of 4. Shampoos formulated for other hair types may not help to detangle hair sufficiently, contributing to combing damage. Conditioning Agents Conditioning hair is critical to its sustained integrity as it inevitably weathers over time. Chemi- cal and physical processing remove the outer lipid coating (the f-layer) and result in amino acid degradation in the cortex of up to 50%.

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Peri-implant diseases include two entities: peri-implant mu- 2 cositis and peri-implantitis (Zitzmann & Berglundh 2008) order cheap reminyl on-line treatment xanthoma. According to the consensus report of the 6th European Workshop on Periodontology generic reminyl 8mg with mastercard treatment gonorrhea, peri-implant mucositis is defned as an in- fammatory reaction in the mucosa surrounding a functioning implant while peri-implantitis 3 describes an infammatory process that affects the soft tissues around an osseointegrated implant in function and results in the loss of supporting bone (Lindhe & Meyle 2008) reminyl 8mg on line medications for gout. Peri-implant diseases have been associated with predom- 5 inantly Gram-negative anaerobic fora (Mombelli & Lang 1998). Bacterial colonization on oral implant surfaces starts immediately after contact with the oral environment and occurs rapidly (Fürst et al. Within weeks after the placement of implants in the oral cavity, 6 a sub-gingival fora associated with periodontitis is established (van Winkelhoff et al. This colonization seems to be infuenced by the surface roughness, 7 surface-free energy and chemical composition (Quirynen et al. Currently, vari- ous types of implant surfaces, ranging from smooth machined to rough surfaces, are used in different implant components (Esposito et al. Hence, the removal of bacterial bioflm from an implant surface constitutes a basic element for the prevention and treatment of peri-implant diseases (Klinge et al. The instruments used for surface decontamination should not make the surface more bioflm-retentive but they should aim to minimize the de novo formation of bioflm. To our knowledge, there is no direct evidence for the effect of roughness induced by instruments on plaque accumulation. The main problem associated with the removal of plaque from 4 implant surfaces is the possible damage to the implant surfaces. Any damage to the surface induces changes in the chemical oxide layer that may result in increased corrosion. This pro- 5 cess impairs the adhesion of fbroblasts and thus the biocompatibility of the implant (Dmy- tryk et al. These results have led to a demand for plaque and calculus 6 removal only using instruments that cause little to no surface damage. Different treatment modalities and instruments have been suggested for the decontami- nation of implant surfaces, as part of the surgical treatment of peri-implantitis both in ani- 7 mals and in humans, either as stand-alone treatments or in various combinations including mechanical instruments, chemical agents and lasers (Schou et al. All of these methods 8 have been associated with advantages and disadvantages, with no defnitive gold standard. It should be noted, however, that surface decontamination was not the primary parameter evaluated in the abovementioned studies. The effect of different mechanical instruments on titanium surfaces with respect to sur- face changes, cleaning effcacy and cell adherence (biocompatibility) has been evaluated in several in vitro studies (Fox et al. Some of these instruments, such as metal curettes and conventional sonic and ultrasonic scalers, have shown to damage the implant surface severely. Other instruments such as non-metal instruments and air abrasives, although less damaging, have been associated with incomplete removal of plaque and potentially damag- ing products or possible surgical complications, such as emphysema (Schou et al. The surface profle and roughness produced by the different instruments may signifcantly impact the newly formed bioflm, thus playing an important role in peri-implant health maintenance. So far, there is little consensus regarding instruments that are more appropriate for use on implant surfaces. At present, systematic reviews are con- 2 sidered to be the strongest form of medical evidence. They are considered to be the primary tool for summarizing the existing evidence in a reproducible and systematic way, and they are crucial for evidence-based dentistry. To date, no systematic review has evaluated the existing 3 information regarding the infuence of mechanical instruments on implant surfaces. Therefore, the aim of this review is to systematically examine, based on the existing lit- 4 erature, the effects of different mechanical instruments on the characteristics and roughness of implant surfaces. The search was designed to include any published study that evaluated the effects of mechanical instruments on titanium surface characteristics. All possible treatment modalities for the cleaning of titanium surfaces were included, which ensured the inclusion of papers that used mechanical means as an alternative to other treatment modali- ties. All reference lists of the selected studies were hand-searched by the two reviewers (A. The papers’ titles and abstracts were frst screened independent- ly by two reviewers (A. Those papers that fulflled all selection criteria were processed for data extraction. This assessment of methodological quality combined several proposed criteria as described by 8 Ntrouka et al. Criteria were described for each of the three domains: external validity, internal validity and statistical methods. The three quality criteria used to assess external 9 validity were: clinical representation of the surface; validation of the evaluation method; and information regarding reproducibility data. Internal validity was assessed based on the fol- lowing four criteria: random treatment allocation; blinding of the examiner; blinding during statistical analysis; and appropriate comparison conditions, i. The assessment of the statistical validity was based on the following four criteria: sample size and power of calcu- lation; presentation of point estimates for primary outcome measurements; presentation of measures of variability for the primary treatment outcome; and statistical analysis. Regard- ing statistical analysis, not only the presence or absence of statistics but also the validity of the statistical method used was assessed. Each item was scored with either a ‘+’ for an in- formative description of the issue and a study design that met the quality standards, ‘-’ for an informative description but a study design that failed to meet the quality standards or ‘? A study was classifed as having a low risk of bias when …different mechanical instruments: a systematic review 27 1 the surface was clinically representative; the examiner was blinded; preparation, manipula- tion and treatment of the surface were identical except for the intervention; point estimates were presented for the primary outcome measurements; and valid statistical analyses were 2 described. Studies that lacked one of these fve criteria were classifed as having a moderate potential risk of bias, while those that lacked two or more such criteria were classifed as 3 having a high potential risk of bias (van der Weijden et al. Data extraction and analysis 4 Data were extracted from the selected papers by two reviewers (A. Further data analysis was performed separately for the smooth and rough surfaces and for the two evalu- 6 ation methods. After a preliminary evaluation of the selected papers, considerable heterogeneity was found in the study design, 7 treatment modalities, outcome variables and results. In some studies, only a descriptive or graphic representation of the results was given. Consequently, it was impossible to perform valid quantitative analyses of the data or a subsequent meta-analysis. After the full-text reading, four papers were excluded, of which three (Dmytryk et al. Additional hand-searching of the reference 2 lists of selected studies yielded no additional papers. Information regarding the study characteristics is provided in Table 1, which presents a summary of the study outline characteristics and the authors’ conclusions. Most studies in- 5 cluded in the review were in vitro studies; three studies (Matsuyama et al. Different mechani- 6 cal instruments were used, and a great degree of heterogeneity was observed regarding the treatment parameters (i.

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Another example is the meridians on the head order reminyl 8 mg on-line medications routes, such as Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang and Sanjiao Meridian of Hand-Shaoyang safe reminyl 8 mg symptoms nausea. Therefore discount generic reminyl uk medicine ketoconazole cream, before we try to fully understand the mystery of acupoints and meridians, it may be valuable to retain the meridian theory in mind for efficient clinical practice and laboratory research. It is possible that there are issues that we cannot understand with our present knowledge. Hence, if we dismiss this ancient theory, we may lose some important information about the nature of acupuncture and guideline for the clinical practice. Note: Most contents of Section 3 in this chapter (The neuroanatomic basis of acupoints) have been written based on the original studies by Drs. The original article was informally and partially published in Chinese in 1959, 1960 and 1973. Science 128: 712 715 Campbell A (2006) Point specificity of acupuncture in the light of recent clinical and imaging studies. Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion 11(10): 36 37 (in Chinese) Chen S, Liu J, Gao Y (2007) Effects of electroacupuncture at different acupoints on changes of uterine myoelectricity induced by oxytocin and progesterone in pregnant rats. Sci Sin 16: 210 217 Deng Y, Zeng T, Zhou Y, Guan X (1996a) The influence of electroacupuncture on the mast cells in the acupoints of the stomach meridian. Acupuncture Research 21(3): 68 70 (in Chinese with English abstract) Deng Y, Fu Z, Dong H, Wu Q, Guan X (1996b) Effects of electroacupuncture on the subcutaneous mast cells of Zusanli acupoint in rat with unilateral sciatic nerve transection. Acupuncture Research 21(3): 46 49 (in Chinese with English abstract) Department of Anatomy, Shanghai First Medical College (1973) The relationship between meridian acupoints and the peripheral nerves. Science 150: 971 979 Nakazo W (1987) Morphological studies on acupoints and non acupoints. Assembled abstracts st of original articles of the 1 world meeting of the world association of the acupuncture society. Liss, New York, pp 251 258 Pomeranz B, Chiu D (1976) Naloxone blocks acupuncture analgesia and causes hyperalgesia: endorphin is implicated. Abstracts of original articles of the biennial meeting of the Chinese society for anatomy. Acupuncture Research 21(3): 60 62 (in Chinese with English abstract) Stacher G, Wancura I (1975) Effect of acupuncture on pain threshold and pain tolerance determined by electrical stimulation of the skin: a controlled study. Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion 21(1): 64 65 (in Chinese with English abstract) Takashige C (1985) Differentiation between acupuncture and non acupuncture points by association with an analgesia inhibitory system. Acupuncture Research 16(1): 61 65 (in Chinese with English abstract) Toda K, Ichioka M (1978) Electroacupuncture: relations between forelimb afferent impulses and suppression of jaw opening reflex in the rat. J Trad Chin Med 12: 559 563 (in Chinese) Wang K, Yao S, Xian Y (1985) A study in the receptive field of acupoints and the relationship between characteristics of needle sensation and groups of afferent bifres. Acupuncture Anaesthesia 2: 69 Wu B, Hu X, Xu J, Yang B, Li W, Li B (1993) Localization of the meridian track over body surface by the method of blocking the acupuncture effect with mechanical pressure. Publishing house of Shanghai university of traditional Chinese medicine, Shanghai. Publishing house of Shanghai university of traditional Chinese medicine, Shanghai. Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion 27: 26 30 (in Chinese with English abstract) Zhang D, Ding G, Shen X, Yao W, Zhang Z, Zhang Y, Lin J, Gu Q (2008) Role of mast cells in acupuncture effect: a pilot study. In: Proceedings of the 3 World Conference on Stress, Cell Stress Chaperones online 12: 5B 02 P Zhu B (1998) Scientific foundations of acupuncture and moxibustion. Acupuncture Research 15(2): 157 158 (in Chinese with English abstract) 80 3 Neural Transmission of Acupuncture Signal 1 1 2 Jinmin Zhu , David N. However, the true mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of acupuncture are still under debating. In this model, acupuncture is believed to treat the diseased organ of the patient by balancing the Yin and Yang conditions that are regulated by an energy substance (Qi) flowing constantly through the whole meridian, a network connecting all the organs of the body. Therefore, in the acupuncture treatment, it is crucial to select special acupoint(s) along the meridian that links the diseased organs, as well as to modulate the Qi flowing in the meridian through the induction of the needling sensation (De-Qi). On the other hand, a neurobiological model established in the recent decades, has supported the notion that an important mechanism of acupuncture in curing diseases is mediated by the nervous system. Stimulation by needles at acupoints is considered to initiate acupuncture signals through the nerve fibers (e. The acupuncture signal is transmitted through the central nervous system, which activates and integrates with the neurons located in broad areas, such as those in the cortex, limbic system, brainstem, spinal cord, which in turn, regulate other systems. The nerve-mediated model provides us a better explanation regarding the biological mechanisms of acupuncture signal transmission in the body which has been broadly documented by both in vivo and in vitro studies under controlled conditions. In this chapter, we will review in particular, the research concerning the influence of acupuncture-elicited signals in the nervous system and how the neural pathways mediate the therapeutic effects of acupuncture. Keywords acupuncture signal, afferent nerves, autonomic nervous system, central nervous system, transmission Acupuncture Therapy of Neurological Diseases: A Neurobiological View 3. Modern clinical research has confirmed the impressive therapeutic effect of acupuncture on numerous human ailments, such as controlling pain, nausea, and vomiting. According to this model, acupuncture is believed to treat the diseased organs by modulating two conditions known as Yin and Yang, which represent all the opposite principles that people find in the universe, both inside and outside the human body. Yin and Yang complement each other, and are subjected to changes between each other. The balance of Yin and Yang is thought to be maintained by Qi, an energy substance flowing constantly through the meridian, a network connecting all the organs of the body. The illness, according to this theory, is the temporary dominance of one principle over the other, owing to the blockade of the Qi from flowing through the meridian under certain circumstance. Thus, the goal of acupuncture treatment is to restore the balance of Yin and Yang conditions in the diseased organ(s). This theory has been considered to be useful to guide this ancient therapy, such as carrying out diagnosis, deciding on the principle, and selecting the acupoints. However, neither Qi nor meridian can be detected under a controlled condition in the animal model or in humans, using current scientific technology. In the past 50 years, extensive efforts have been taken to explore the biological mechanisms and its significance in acupuncture, using modern technologies. The successful results of the tests, ranging from animal experiments to clinical analysis, clearly support the neurobiological hypothesis of acupuncture in regulating multiple systems including the hormonal and immune system. Hypothetically, the acupuncture signal is initiated at the acupoints surrounding the nerve terminals, and is transmitted to the intro- and super-spinal regions, following the afferent nerve fibers. In the central nervous system, the acupuncture signal is believed to regulate the activity of the neurons in certain brain areas (i. Indeed, through controlled experiments, a chain of events triggered by the mechanical stimulation at the acupoints with needling or its electrical equivalent (electro-acupuncture) can be traced. For instance, in the human or animal model, the acupuncture-induced unit discharges of neurons could be recorded using electrophysiological methods, the level of synthesized and/or the release of a neurotransmitter or its receptor can be measured by biochemical assays, and the activity of a brain area owing to acupuncture can be monitored by noninvasive functional imaging methods, thus, investigating the association of acupoint-brain activity. The fact that acupuncture 82 3 Neural Transmission of Acupuncture Signal could activate or inhibit specific brain areas associated with functions of nociceptive, cardiovascular, and vision, suggests that a number of neural circuits and substrates are specifically involved in the therapeutic effect of acupuncture. Among them, the limbic system which mediates both the neural-endocrine system and the brainstem-descending control-spinal cord in the acupuncture analgesia has been perhaps the most extensivelystudied.

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Since we were in the stadium parking lot and the meeting had just ended purchase reminyl 4 mg on-line medicine games, hundreds of people were going to their cars 4 mg reminyl fast delivery medications pain pills. I was excited at the possibility of witnessing a genuine miracle—and through my hands! I was also terrified at the equally possible scenario of making an absolute fool of myself in front of all these people! When that lady obeyed my commands and walked order cheapest reminyl symptoms joint pain fatigue, she looked worse after prayer than before prayer! And I sure wasn’t going to let them know I was on the verge of running into the street and throwing myself in front of a bus! But after a few more times of greasing down that poor old woman’s forehead and watching her hobble across the parking lot, apparently getting worse and worse, I was hoping that I would wake up from this nightmare of humiliation. Mercifully my mentor, Missionary Powers, and my other friends came to help me pray. I specifically recall that Missionary Powers laid her hands on the lady’s hips and told her to bend down in Jesus’ name. One thing that has never left me is that the lady wasn’t healed on the first, second, or third prayer of faith. The most graphic biblical example we have of Satan’s ability to deceive is when he deceived angels out of heaven, and the first humans, Adam and Eve, out of Paradise, the Garden of Eden. Truth: If it is possible for him to deceive perfect beings in perfect environments out of their inheritance, it is possible for him to deceive us out of our healing or deliverance—if we allow him to do so through our unbelief of God’s word. Chapter Two: Satan attacked the prophet, Job, through crime, weather, and sickness. God allowed such an attack to prove Job’s faithfulness, to show Satan’s unprovoked badness, to perfect Job’s faith, to reveal to us how to trust God, and to show God’s sovereignty. Sickness, disease, and mental torments can come upon people who have done nothing to deserve them. If a Christian is demonized, it does not necessarily mean that he has done, or is doing something immoral. Sometimes people are demonized through inheritance, curses, activities done in ignorance, sins committed against him, or other ways. Truth: One should always entertain the possibility that one’s problems may be the result of a demonic attack. Although I have cast demons out of many people, to my knowledge I have not yet cast a demon out of a sinner. Generally, if sinners are not willing to submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ, there is no scriptural basis to cast demons out of them. It is a myth that the ministry of casting out demons ceased when the last apostle died. Chapter Five: Jesus healed a true servant of God of a demon that caused her to be physically crippled. My friends and I cast a demon of scoliosis out of a new convert after she had already come to Christ and was filled with the Holy Ghost. Some of the more common of these are sexual sins, unforgiveness, and false religion or witchcraft. Chapter Seven: The ministry of casting out demons is nothing more than a Christian forcing a demon to leave a person. Once the command is given, the demon will either immediately leave or put up a fight. Truth: Don’t let ignorance, unbelief, or peer pressure rob you of your inheritance. Chapter Nine: The Bible is full of examples of God healing the sick and demonized. Some believe that gradual healings should be the norm and instant healings the exception. But the Bible teaches that instant miracles should be the norm and gradual healings should be the exception. Truth: We must interpret our experience by the Bible and not interpret the Bible by our experience. Chapter Ten: There are various reasons why some healings and deliverances take longer to arrive than they should. Truth: We should search our hearts, believe the Bible, and don’t let anyone or anything talk us out of our healing. If our situation requires a long prayer of faith, we must aggressively pursue our healing until it literally appears, or until we hear the unmistakable voice of God telling us that we have prayed enough. We must be careful that the voice we hear is not laziness, or the extreme Charismatic false doctrine of one-prayer-is-enough. Truth: Expect an instant miracle, but if the healing or deliverance doesn’t noticeably begin to manifest within a few days, pray until it does. If you are physically sick, ask Jesus Christ to heal you and then speak to the sickness. Whatever it was that you could not do before you prayed and cursed the affliction, try to do it now in the name of Jesus. Often the last thing that stands between us and our healing is our failure to try to do what was formerly impossible. The disease’s or demon’s grip will be weakened as you continue to curse the affliction, try to do the impossible, and praise God for the answer. For the scripture says, “Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. They Shall Expel Demons: What You Need To Know About Demons— Your Invisible Enemies. Healing Evangelism: Strengthen Your Witnessing with Effective Prayer for the Sick. The Hidden Power of the Believer’s Touch: The Healing Anointing of Every Believer. Counseling the Homosexual: A Compassionate and Biblical Guide for Pastors and Counselors as well as Non-Professionals and Families. About the Author and Ministry of Power Evangelism Ministries Eric and his lovely wife, Sonny, reside in Atlanta, Georgia. In this small and intimate setting, they often see people delivered from evil spirits. Eric has written What Preachers Never Tell You About Tithes & Offerings: The End of Clergy Manipulation & Extortion. He has also written two novels: Bones of Fire and Confessions of a False Prophet, which are both scheduled for publication as e-books in June 2011. Sonny’s first novel, Walking in Love, is scheduled for release as an e-book in 2011. A Final Word of Encouragement Now a word of encouragement to those seeking healing and deliverance, and for pastors who would like us to come and share with their people.

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