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The combined impact of hypoxemia and hypercapnea may act synergistically to impair kidney function [24] purchase cheapest epivir-hbv and epivir-hbv symptoms 8 dpo. The mechanical disruption of the alveolar-capillary barrier from excessive pressure-volume loading during positive pressure ventilation can induce the release of local inflammatory mediators into the systemic circulation [25] buy generic epivir-hbv medicine 8 soundcloud. Further buy generic epivir-hbv 150mg on-line medications that cause pancreatitis, higher intrarenal vascular resistance (organ compres- sion) shunts blood away from the kidneys. Because the kidney is an encapsulated organ, a pressure rise in the venous system translates into a higher renal interstitial and Bowman’s capsular pressure, directly impeding glomerular filtration [36 , 37]. It has been clearly established that bacterial fermentation processes in the large intestines are an impor- tant source of tightly protein-bound toxins such as p-cresyl sulfate and indoxyl sul- fate [40]. Because of this protein binding, such toxins are difficult to clear from the circulation, even by means of hemodialysis [41]. They may accelerate kidney dys- function, and plasma levels are correlated to all-cause mortality [42, 43]. This offers a strong rationale for targeting gut microbiota and toxin production in the bowel compartment with future therapies. In normal circumstances, the gut has an important barrier function, preventing entrance of toxins and microorganisms into the systemic circulation. Indeed, it has been shown that the intestinal morphology, permeability, and function are substan- tially altered in heart failure [45, 46]. Consequently, leakage of lipopolysaccharides 6 Kidney-Organ Interaction 77 in the systemic circulation may cause further hemodynamic compromise leading to a detrimental vicious cycle [44 , 47]. Orthotopic liver transplantation is the best current treatment and leads to a gradual recovery of renal function in the vast majority of patients. A more thorough under- standing of kidney-organ interactions in the abdominal compartment may hopefully lead to new therapeutic targets to better preserve renal function in critically ill patients. Both organs play a role in regulating sodium and water balance in the body and visceral sympathetic nervous system activity. Clinically examine patients and determine volume status, and review daily weights and serial estimations of fluid intake and output charts, then check serum osmolality, hematocrit, urea, creatinine, and urate and urinary osmolality and electrolytes. Measure liver function tests and thyroid, adrenal, and natriuretic hormones as required falls from <130 to <120 mmol/L from 11 to 25 % [50]. Similarly biochemical investigation may also be unhelpful as both conditions will have a reduced serum osmolality (<285 mOsmo/ kg), with a relatively increased urinary sodium (>25 mmol/l) and urinary osmolality (>200 mOsmo/kg) (Fig. The conscious patient typically compensates by drinking large volumes of water, but the unconscious patient may develop profound life-threatening hypernatremia. For patients with acute hypernatremia (<48 h), rapid lowering of serum sodium by 1 mmol/h by the administration of hypotonic fluids does not increase the risk of cerebral edema, whereas those with hypernatremia of unknown or longer duration a slower pace of correction, aiming for around 10 mmol/L/day is important to prevent cerebral edema. As the risk of cerebral edema also depends upon the volume infused, then smaller volumes of more hypotonic fluids are advantageous [55 ]. Cytokines and other inflammatory mediators may gain entry to the brain through the fenestrated vascular endothelium in the floor of the third ventricle, leading to appetite suppression and increasing the risk of delirium [56]. Increasing osmolality and inflammation as renal failure progressively leads to the disruption of the blood-brain barrier. In addition, kidney failure leads to the accumulation of the waste products of nitrogen metabolism, with organic acids accumulating in the brain, resulting in changes in both neuronal intracellular osmo- lality and neurotransmitter levels [57]. So, if untreated, patients become encephalo- pathic with classic slow wave brain electrical activity (loss of alpha and beta waves, with predominance of theta and delta wave activity) [58] (Fig. Patients with kidney failure are at greater risk of drug-induced encephalopathy, as many drugs are transported from the brain by organic acid transporters, and due to the competition for these transporters, clearance from the brain is delayed leading to accumulation. Thereafter, continued immunosuppres- sion to maintain kidney transplant function increases the risk of cerebral infections, including viral encephalitis and listerial and fungal meningitis [60 ]. Other conditions including sarcoidosis can cause chronic disease in both organs, and some patients with adult polycystic kidney disease are predisposed to intracerebral aneurysms. Acute injury to the kidney can clearly contribute to cardiac, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, hepatic, and neurologic injury and/or dysfunction through a host of mechanisms. Likewise, primary injury and/or dysfunction to any of these organ systems can directly and indirectly contribute to kidney injury and impairment. Injury and/or dysfunction in either organ system can synergistically cause injury and/or dysfunction in the other. The Kidney and the Lung • The kidney and lung are commonly injured in critical illness. This is exacerbated by downregulation of key fluid transport molecules in the alveoli, alterations to microvascular permeability, and reduced serum oncotic pressure, which further lower the threshold for alveolar edema and impair alveolar fluid clearance. The relationship between transient and persistent worsening renal function and mortality in patients with acute decompensated heart failure. Correlates and impact on outcomes of worsening renal function in patients > or =65 years of age with heart failure. Worsening renal function in patients hospitalised for acute heart failure: clinical implications and prognostic significance. Worsening renal function: what is a clinically meaningful change in creatinine during hospitalization with heart failure? Increase in creati- nine and cardiovascular risk in patients with systolic dysfunction after myocardial infarction. Long- term risk of mortality and end-stage renal disease among the elderly after small increases in serum creatinine level during hospitalization for acute myocardial infarction. The incidence of clinically signifi- cant contrast-induced nephropathy following non-emergent coronary angiography. Effect of prolonged renal dysfunction on intravascular and extravascular pulmonary fluid volumes during left atrial hypertension. Renal ischemia/reperfusion leads to macrophage-mediated increase in pulmonary vascular permeability. Ischemic acute kidney injury induces a distant organ functional and genomic response distinguishable from bilateral nephrectomy. Effect of acute kidney injury on weaning from mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients. Independent association between acute renal failure and mortality following cardiac surgery. Effect of acute renal failure requiring renal replacement therapy on outcome in critically ill patients. The pathogenesis of acute kidney injury and the toxic triangle of oxygen, reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide. The effects of oxygen and dopa- mine on renal and aortic blood flow in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with hypoxemia and hypercapnia. Effect of hypoxemia on sodium and water excretion in chronic obstructive lung disease.

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Many aspects of this gut-brain-skin unifying theory proposed by Stokes and Pillsbury have recently been validated buy cheap epivir-hbv 150mg on line symptoms norovirus. The ability of the gut microflora and oral probiotics to influence systemic inflammation order epivir-hbv 150mg medicine zoloft, oxidative stress order epivir-hbv with a visa medicine hat lodge, glycemic control, tissue lipid content, and even mood itself, may have important implications in acne. If a person appears to have acne, it is important to make sure that it truly is acne. Exposure to a variety of compounds can produce the characteristic lesions of acne. Agents That Cause Acne-like Lesions Drugs: steroids, diphenylhydantoin, lithium carbonate Industrial pollutants: machine oils, coal tar derivatives, chlorinated hydrocarbons Local actions: use of cosmetics or pomades, excessive washing, repetitive rubbing Therapeutic Considerations Pilosebaceous Unit Acne requires an integrated therapeutic approach. Also, because many individuals have undergone long-term treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics, they often develop intestinal overgrowth of the yeast Candida albicans. This chronic yeast infection may actually make acne worse and must be treated when present. Specifically, reports of intracranial hypertension, depression, and suicidal ideation have prompted an examination of Accutane’s life-threatening potential. A warning was added to its product label with regard to signs of depression and suicidal ideation, and a U. Food and Drug Administration– mandated registry is now in place for all individuals prescribing, dispensing, or taking isotretinoin, to help decrease the risks associated with isotretinoin therapy. Another popular treatment for acne is the use of over-the-counter preparations containing benzoyl peroxide (e. In order to be effective, benzoyl peroxide preparations must be applied on a daily basis. The primary side effect of benzoyl peroxide preparations is a tendency to dry out the skin and/or cause redness and peeling. The peeling and drying can be quite severe, as Retin-A improves acne by chemically burning the skin. Diet Although there is some controversy about diet in the etiology of acne, there is clear evidence of an association. In westernized societies, acne vulgaris is a nearly universal skin disease, afflicting 79 to 95% of the adolescent population. In men and women older than 25 years, 40 to 54% have some degree of facial acne, and clinical facial acne persists into middle age in 12% of women and 3% of men. In contrast, epidemiological evidence shows that acne incidence rates are considerably lower in non-westernized societies. Also, foods containing trans-fatty acids (milk and milk products; margarine, shortening, and other synthetically hydrogenated vegetable oils) or oxidized fatty acids (fried food) should be avoided, as these may aggravate acne by increasing inflammation in sebaceous glands. In the early 1940s dermatologists reported that insulin is effective in the treatment of acne, suggesting impaired skin glucose tolerance, insulin insensitivity, or both. Interestingly, one study comparing the results of oral glucose tolerance tests in acne patients showed no differences from controls in blood glucose measurements. However, repetitive skin biopsies revealed that the acne patients’ skin glucose tolerance was significantly disturbed. Nutritional Supplements Vitamin A (Retinol) Many studies have demonstrated that oral vitamin A in the retinol form can reduce sebum production and the overproduction of keratin. Retinol has been shown to be effective in treating acne when used at high—and potentially toxic—dosages (i. In fact, we do not recommend dosages greater than 150,000 even under a physician’s supervision. And high dosages of vitamin A should never be ingested by anyone with significant liver disease. The first significant toxic symptom is usually headache followed by fatigue, emotional volatility, and muscle and joint pain. Laboratory tests appear unreliable for monitoring toxicity, since serum vitamin A levels correlate poorly with toxicity, and liver enzymes are elevated only in symptomatic patients. Of far greater concern is the risk of birth defects caused by high dosages of vitamin A. Women of childbearing age must have at least two negative pregnancy test results prior to the initiation of vitamin A therapy, and they should use effective birth control during treatment and for at least one month after discontinuation. Again, we recommend that this therapy be used only under strict physician supervision. It is involved in local hormone activation, retinol-binding protein formation, wound healing, immune system activity, and tissue regeneration. Zinc supplementation in the treatment of acne has been the subject of much controversy and many double-blind studies. Inconsistent results may be due to the differing absorbability of the various zinc salts used. For example, studies using effervescent zinc sulfate show efficacy similar to that of the antibiotic tetracycline, with fewer side effects from chronic use,22 while those using plain zinc sulfate have shown less beneficial results. In another study, 66 patients with inflammatory acne were given zinc gluconate (30 mg elemental zinc) or a placebo for two months. In the placebo group the inflammatory score dropped from 58 to 47, while in the treatment group the score dropped from 49 to 27. Physicians rated 24 of 32 patients in the zinc group as responders, compared with only 8 of 34 in the placebo group. At least two other double-blind studies with zinc gluconate provide additional support. The importance of zinc to normal skin function is well recognized, especially in light of the zinc deficiency syndrome called acrodermatitis enteropathica. As noted above, zinc is essential for retinol- binding protein and thus for serum retinol levels. Male acne patients have significantly decreased levels of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which normalize with vitamin E and selenium treatment. Topical Treatments Various topical gels, ointments, and creams containing natural products are available to treat acne. Like benzoyl peroxide, these preparations aim to reduce both the bacteria level and inflammation. Although there are many choices, the most popular natural formulas are those with tea tree oil and azelaic acid. Tea Tree Oil Melaleuca alternifolia, or tea tree, is a small tree native to only one area of the world: the northeast coastal region of New South Wales, Australia. The leaves, the portion of the plant that is used medicinally, are the source of tea tree oil. Tea tree oil possesses significant antiseptic properties and is regarded by many as an ideal skin disinfectant. This claim is supported by its efficacy against a wide range of organisms (including 27 of 32 strains of P. The therapeutic uses of tea tree oil are based largely on its antiseptic and antifungal properties.

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Im precision p r o f ile s discount epivir-hbv 100mg line symptoms lead poisoning, response error r e la tio n sh ip s order epivir-hbv mastercard medicine on time, v a ria n ce-ra tio t e s t s purchase epivir-hbv 150mg otc medications ending in zole, ch i-sq u are t e s t s , and perhaps even con fid en ce lim its are new concepts in most of th ese la b o r a to r ie s. However, as the la b o r a to r ie s come to r e a liz e th a t th ese p ercep tio n s are a v a ila b le a t no c o st to the a n a ly st in time or e f f o r t , and that they allow not only the a n a ly st but a lso h is su p ervisor to d etect anom alies in the assay a t a gla n ce, they should be accorded grea ter a tte n tio n. Although su p rlsin g ly l i t t l e evidence of such support has yet emerged, there i s hope th a t i t w ill do so. N ev erth eless, a d d itio n a l tim e w ill be required to meet the f u l l g o a ls of th is p r o je c t. The introduction of immunoassay to laboratories where environmental changes and limited equipment are likely to limit reliability and precision have emphasized the need for routine evaluation of assay performance. The aim has been to provide both an accurate calibration of the immunoassay response and an assessment of assay error which will allow the assayist to monitor and improve assay performance. As models of immunoassay error are used at all stages of processing they are described in some detail. Analysis of sources of error associated with counting, small perturbation “experimental” errors and assay “drift” is explicitly embraced by the program and is used to screen out untypical assay errors or “outliers”. This is a statistically more reliable estimate of precision than the observed replication for an individual result and when calculated for doses over the working range of the assay yields the precision profile as an important indicator of assay performance. These error sources all give rise to intra-batch changes and further analysis of the quality control samples is required to detect inter-batch variations. A considerable family of functions have been applied to model the immunoassay response and the reasons for selection of the logit and mass- action forms are discussed. A four-parameter single-binding-site model was chosen for the initial, program release. The problem of the assayist losing contact with the nature of the data being processed when insufficient (or excessive) statistical output is provided has been considered and graphical presentations have accordingly been introduced wherever possible. Pictorial representation is seen as a way of conveying large amounts of statistical information in an intelligible form while allowing the assayist to retain a “feel” for the underlying data. Apart from the immediate intra­ laboratory benefits of data processing it is expected that the processing of large amounts of immunoassay data in a standard format will provide a unique data base. This may be used to examine changes in processing techniques and to compare assay performance between laboratories in otherwise impractical detail. Most of these programs have provided a satisfactory calibration but included little analysis of assay error. The appearance of the cheap microcomputer has multiplied the number of potential users and created a need not merely for specific programs but a clear understanding of the concepts on which these programs should be based. The introduction of immunoassay into laboratories where environmental changes and limited equipment are likely to limit reliability and precision have further emphasized the need for programs which allow routine evaluation of assay performance. The constraints of the microcomputer and the need to accommodate a wider range of users necessitated considerable changes to the original program. The opportunity was therefore taken to revise the actual processing, simplify presentation, exploit the graphics facilities of this micro­ computer and to provide more complete documentation. The aim is to provide both an accurate, robust calibration of immunoassay response and an assessment of assay error which will enable the assayist to monitor and improve assay performance. As models of immunoassay error are used throughout processing they will be described in some detail. The second part of the paper describes the actual program, and goes on to discuss briefly some problems of software development on microcomputers. In a more realistic case e might be characterized by a Gaussian distribution which is defined by two parameters: (i) The expected value of e: E(e) - or the instrument bias. Immunoassay, however, is a rather unreliable multi-stage procedure with the possibility of different errors being introduced at each step. It then becomes useful for the assayist to be able to distinguish, and perhaps monitor, those sources of error thought to make a significant contribution to the overall assay performance. More complex effects may be modelled by the use of non-Gaussian distribu­ tions, by introducing models for other sources of error, or by allowing the existing model parameters to be dependent upon factors such as time or assay response. We may now describe any source of error and include it in an analysis of assay error if the model parameters (or statistics) are known or can be determined. When the parameter values are uncertain the assayist must undertake an experi­ ment to estimate them. An example of increased complexity arises from the desire to describe the observed dependence of assay precision upon the measured dose. The error observed among replicates can be considered the sum of counting and laboratory errors. This counting error can be further broken down into a “background” component and an error arising from the inherently random nature of radioactive decay. If these components are considered to be important they can be described as in Fig. If these factors are to be included and distinguished entirely from other noise then the assay protocol must allow their detection, perhaps by repeated counting of the same tubes. In practice the assayist is likely to rely upon occasional checks for counter stability. Only the basic model is presented above and the actual calculations will depend upon the fractions counted. The expected counter error can be removed from the observed replicate error to reveal another, independent error termed the “experimental” error. The experi­ mental error is usually considered to include three distinct types or components (Fig. It is usual to assume a zero expected value for these variations since bias over the whole batch is not monitored by the replicated samples. In practice, over the limited response ranges of most assays each of these forms can be adjusted to give similar results. It should be remembered that the counter error must be statistically subtracted to permit estimation of the “normal” experimental error. The precision-profile is a useful way of assessing the analytical importance of this error. These, it is hoped rare, events are assumed to belong to a distribution distinct from the normal Gaussian distribution and are referred to as “outliers”. Again there is no reason to expect a bias in their appearance but the variance of their generating distribution tends to be large. The actual form of this distribution does not concern us greatly since outliers are excluded from the analysis of normal assay errors. Outliers are usually detected by large replication errors between tubes derived from the same sample. The error introduced may give rise to a simple shift in response or perhaps an increase in variance. These effects can be represented by an error source whose expected value and variance are functions of time.

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If patients can be identified from recordings buy epivir-hbv 150mg with mastercard medicine 7 day box, a doctor must ensure that the interests and well-being of the patient take precedence over all other con- siderations buy epivir-hbv with american express medicine quotes doctor. This is especially so for patients who are mentally ill or disabled epivir-hbv 150mg with mastercard medicine rocks state park, Fundamental Principals 45 seriously ill, or children or other vulnerable people. Recording Telephone Calls Many countries have laws or regulations that govern the electronic record- ing of telephone conversations, which are designed to protect individuals’ rights. Commonly, a provision will be included stating that persons whose telephone calls are being recorded must be informed of the fact—the details vary from country to country. In the United Kingdom, for example, the Tele- communications Act of 1984 requires that the person making a recording shall make “every reasonable effort to inform the parties” of doing so. Reasonable ef- fort may be achieved by the use of warning tones, prerecorded messages, ver- bal warnings given by a telephone operator, or written warnings in publicity material. A recording may be an invaluable aid for forensic evidence or to help refute a complaint or claim for compensation, but practitioners who make elec- tronic recordings of telephone calls must ensure that they comply with local laws and practice codes. Emergencies Before leaving the topic of consent, it is necessary to state clearly that in a medical emergency in which a patient is unconscious and thus unable to give or withhold consent and there is no clear instruction to the contrary in the form of a valid, extant advance directive made by the patient, treatment that is clearly essential to save life or prevent serious harm may and indeed should be given. However, nonurgent treatment should be deferred until the patient is able to give consent. Information acquired by a medical practitioner from or about a patient in the course of his or her professional work is confidential and must never be disclosed to others without either the consent of the patient or other proper justification. Confidentiality is primarily a professional conduct matter for the medi- cal practitioner, but patients also have a legal right to confidentiality, pro- tected by law. Doctors are responsible for the safekeeping of confidential information against improper disclosure when it is stored, transmitted to others, or dis- carded. If a doctor plans to disclose information about a patient to others, he or she must first inform the patient of that intention and make clear that the patient has an opportunity to withhold permission for its disclosure. Patients’ requests for confidentiality must be respected, except for exceptional circum- stances, such as where the health or safety of others would otherwise be at serious risk. If confidential information is disclosed, the doctor should release only as much as is necessary for the purpose and must always be ready and will- ing to justify the disclosure—for example, to the relevant medical council or board or to the courts. Where confidential information is to be shared with healthcare workers or others, the doctor must ensure that they, too, respect confidentiality. Death and Confidentiality The duty of confidentiality extends beyond the death of the patient. The extent to which information may properly be disclosed after the death of a patient depends on the circumstances. In general, it is prudent to seek the Fundamental Principals 47 permission of all the personal representatives of the deceased patient’s estate, such as the executors or administrators, before any information is disclosed. A doctor with any doubt should take advice from a professional advisory organization, such as a protection or defense organization. Detention and Confidentiality A forensic physician (or equivalent) should exercise particular care over confidentiality when examining persons who are detained in custody. When taking the medical history and examining the detainee, it is common for a police or other detaining official to be in attendance, perhaps as a “chaperone” or simply as a person in attendance, nearby to overhear the conversation. Such officials will not owe to the detainee the same duty of confidentiality that is owed by a medical or nurse practitioner nor be subject to similar professional sanctions for a breach of confidentiality. The doctor called on to examine a detainee must take great care to ensure that the person being examined clearly understands the role of the forensic physician and the implications for confidentiality. The detainee must under- stand and agree to the terms of the consultation before any medical informa- tion is gathered, preferably giving written consent. The examining doctor should do everything possible to maintain the con- fidentiality of the consultation. An accused person’s right of silence, the pre- sumption of innocence, rights under human rights legislation, and so forth may produce areas of conflicting principle. The doctor’s code of professional conduct may conflict with statutory codes to which custody officials are bound (e. It may be essential to take the medical history in strict confidence, commensurate with adequate safe- guards against violent behavior by the prisoner, and insist on a neutral chaper- one for a physical examination. In the rest of this chapter, it is possible only to highlight the issues; their resolution will vary according to local rules and circumstances. In the United Kingdom, guidance for forensic physicians is available from their professional bodies (25). Exceptions to the General Duty of Confidentiality Under several circumstances the doctor may legitimately disclose infor- mation gained about a patient during his or her professional work. The Patient’s Permission The confidences are those of the patient, not those of the doctor, so if a patient requests or consents to their disclosure, the information may be per- fectly and properly disclosed within the terms of the patient’s permissions. Consent to disclose confidential information may be given by the patient in a range of circumstances. These include employment and insurance pur- poses, housing and welfare, testimonials and references, or legal proceedings (whether civil or criminal or family law matters, etc. However, care must be taken to ensure that disclosure is limited strictly to the terms of the patient’s permission and that there is no disclosure to parties with whom the patient may be in contention unless the patient expressly agrees to it. The Patient’s Best Interests In circumstances in which a patient is incapable of giving consent because of incapacity, immaturity, etc. If a doctor believes that a patient is the victim of physical or sexual abuse or neglect, he or she may disclose relevant information to an appropriate person or statu- tory agency in an attempt to prevent further harm to the patient. Another example of this exception is when a doctor believes that seeking permission for the disclosure would be damaging to the patient but that a close relative should know about the patient’s condition (e. The doctor must always act in the patient’s best medical interests and be prepared to justify his or her decision. Advice may be taken from appropriate colleagues and/or from a protection or defense organization or other profes- sional body. The Public Interest, Interest of Others, or Patients Who Are Violent or Dangerous Disclosure in the interests of others may be legitimate when they are at risk because a patient refuses to follow medical advice. Examples include patients who continue to drive when unfit to do so and against medical advice or who place others at risk by failing to disclose a serious communicable dis- ease. Each case demands careful consideration, and doctors who have any doubt regarding how best to proceed should not hesitate to seek appropriate counsel. Fundamental Principals 49 Doctors may also be approached by the police for information to assist them in apprehending the alleged perpetrator of a serious crime. A balance must be struck between the doctor’s duty to preserve the confidences of a patient and his or her duty as a citizen to assist in solving a serious crime where he or she has information that may be crucial to a police inquiry. In cases of murder, serious assaults, and rape in which the alleged assailant is still at large, the doctor may be persuaded that there is a duty to assist in the apprehension of the assailant by providing information, acquired profession- ally, that will be likely to assist the police in identifying and apprehending the prime suspect or suspects. However, where the accused person is already in custody, the doctor would be wise not to disclose confidential information without the agreement of the patient or legal advisers or an order from the court. Each case must be weighed on its own facts and merits, and the doctor may wish to seek advice from an appropriate source, such as a protection or defense organization. In the course of a consultation, a patient may tell a doctor that he or she intends to perpetrate some serious harm on another person—perhaps a close relative or friend or someone with whom there is a perceived need to “settle an old score. Indeed, a failure to act in such circumstances has led to adverse judicial rulings, as in the Tarasoff (26) case in California, in which a specialist psychologist failed to give a warning to the girlfriend of a patient who was later murdered by the patient.

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