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A steady-state plasma of blood sampling is important proven 50mg pletal muscle relaxer 75, and by convention a blood concentration will be attained after about 5–6 days (i generic 50 mg pletal with visa spasms translation. Once the plasma con- and patients with impaired renal function will have a lon- centration is at steady state and in the therapeutic range cheap pletal 100 mg otc muscle relaxant liver disease, it ger t½so that steady state will be reached later and dose in- should be measured every 3 months. Lithium carbonate is effective treat- tion (plasma creatinine and electrolytes) should be ment in more than 75% of episodes of acute mania or hy- measured before initiation and every 3–6 months during pomania. In: Ayd F J, Blackwell B (eds) Adverse effects are encountered in three general Biological Psychiatry. It is also effective in combination with lith- goitre, hypothyroidism, acne, rash, diabetes insipidus ium. The latter two drowsiness, sluggishness and coarse tremor, leading on are metabolised to valproic acid which exerts the pharma- to giddiness, ataxia and dysarthria). Treatment syncope, oliguria, coma and even death may result if with valproic acid is easy to initiate (especially compared to treatment is not instigated urgently. Acute overdose may present without signs of of full blood count and liver function are recommended toxicity but with plasma concentrations well exceeding following reports of occasional blood dyscrasias or hepatic 2 mmol/L. Where not to be associated with the ‘rebound effect’ of relapse into toxicity is chronic, haemodialysis may be needed, espe- manic symptoms that may accompany early withdrawal of cially if renal function is impaired. Whole bowel irrigation may be an option for significant ingestion, but specialist Other drugs advice should be sought. Drugs that interfere with lithium excretion phylaxis of bipolar affective disorder, especially when de- by the renal tubules cause the plasma concentration to rise. Theophylline and sodium- control of acute manic symptoms, including both the gran- containing antacids reduce plasma lithium concentration. Diltiazem, verapamil, carbamazepine which can occur in an extremely agitated patient. However, and phenytoin may cause neurotoxicity without affecting atypical antipsychotics such as olanzapine, quetiapine and the plasma lithium level. Carbamazepine Other drugs that have been used in augmentation of Carbamazepine is licensed as an alternative to lithium for existing agents include the anticonvulsants oxcarbazepine prophylaxis of bipolar affective disorder, although clinical and gabapentin, the benzodiazepine clonazepam, and trial evidence is actually stronger to support its use in the the calcium channel blocking agents verapamil and treatment of acute mania. The first panic attack often occurs with- out warning but may subsequently become associated with The disability andhealth costs caused by anxietyare highand specific situations, e. Antici- comparablewiththose of other commonmedicalconditions patory anxiety and avoidance behaviour develop in re- such as diabetes, arthritis or hypertension. The condition must be ety disorders experience impaired physical and role function- distinguished from alcohol withdrawal, caffeinism, hyper- ing, more workdayslost due toillness, increased impairment thyroidism and (rarely) phaeochromocytoma. Our understanding of Patients experiencing panic attacks often do not know the nature of anxiety has increased greatly from advances in what is happening to them, and because the symptoms research in psychology and neuroscience. It is now possible are similar to those of cardiovascular, respiratory or neuro- to distinguish different types of anxiety with distinct biolog- logical conditions, often present to non-psychiatric ser- ical and cognitive symptoms, and clear criteria have been ac- vices, e. The last specialists, where they may either be extensively investi- decade has seen developments in both drug and psycholog- gated or given reassurance that there is nothing wrong. A ical therapies such that a range of treatment options can be carefully taken history reduces the likelihood of this tailored to individual patients and their condition. Anxiety does not manifest itself only as a psychic or men- tal state: there are also somatic or physical concomitants, Treatment. Anxiety symp- course of these two classes of agent in panic disorder is toms exist on a continuum and many people with a mild depicted in Figure 20. On with- ciated disability of many anxiety disorders means that most drawal of the benzodiazepine, even when it is gradual, in- patients who fulfil diagnostic criteria for a disorder are creased symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks may occur, likely to benefit from some form of treatment. In- deed, some patients find they are unable to withdraw and remain long-term on a benzodiazepine. Both divide anxiety into a series of but patients need help to stay on treatment in the first subsyndromes with clear operational criteria to assist in weeks. At any one time many patients may the likely course of events and the antidepressant should have symptoms of more than one syndrome, but making be started at half the usual initial dose to reduce the likeli- the primary diagnosis is important as this can markedly in- hood of exacerbation. The essential feature of social phobia is a marked and per- These are discrete periods of intense fear accompanied by sistent fear of performance situations when patients feel characteristic physical symptoms such as skipping or they will be the centre of attention and will do something 331 T viden ce- based treat en tsforan xiety disorders G X D F irst - l i e S S R S S R S S R cute p reven tion – if S S R sy chol ogical – treat en t feasibl e con sider ex osure p rop ran ol ol after therap y m ajortraum a. W hen i itial treat en tsfai on eshoul d con siderswitchi g to an othereviden ce- based treat en tcom bi i g eviden ce- based treat en ts( on l y when there are n o con trai dication s an d referri g to region al orn ation al s ecial istservicesi refractory atien ts C T , cogn itive behavioural therap y ; ey e m ovem en tdesen sitization rep rogram i g. Treatment is poorly researched; there have been no prop- erly controlled trials and almost all open trials have been conducted on small numbers of patients long after the causative incident. The preferred treatment immediately 0 6 12 following the incident should probably be a short course of Weeks a hypnotic (or sedating antidepressant, e. Long-term ther- apy with antidepressants appears to be indicated at doses in the same range as for other anxiety disorders. The situations that provoke this fear can be quite specific, for example public speaking, or be of a much more generalised nature involving fear of Acute stress disorder/adjustment most social interactions, for example initiating or main- taining conversations, participating in small groups, dat- disorder ing, speaking to anyone in authority. Exposure to the Acute stress disorder is anxiety in response to a recent ex- feared situation almost invariably provokes anxiety with treme stress. Although in some respects it is a normal similar symptoms to those experienced by patients with and understandable reaction to an event, the problems as- panic attacks, but some seem to be particularly prominent sociated with it are not only the severe distress the anxiety and difficult, i. These achieve equivalent degrees of relieves the accompanying anxiety and sleep disturbance. Some benzodiazepines 120 mg/day) causes less dependence and withdrawal, are reported to provide benefit but evidence for their ther- and is preferred to those that enter the brain rapidly, e. Some patients find it hard to discon- shown to be effective in a recent trial in social anxiety dis- tinue the benzodiazepine, so its use should be reserved for order although higher doses are required than for general- those in whom extreme distress disrupts normal coping ised anxiety disorder. The duration of treatment is as for depression or longer, The essential feature of this condition is chronic anxiety for this can be a life-long condition. These include persistent re- of the disorder is typically chronic with exacerbations at experiencing of the traumatic event, persistent avoidance times of stress, and is often associated with depression. In taking a history the association with the event is panic attacks with associated anticipatory anxiety (panic usually obvious. Hyperthyroidism and caffeinism should also disorder (below) by its persistence – the symptoms of the be excluded. Such clinically supervised benzodiazepine use is duce anxiety and improve sleep and somatic symptoms. Buspirone is structurally unrelated to other anxiolytics A specific phobia is a fear of a circumscribed object or situ- and was the first non-benzodiazepine to demonstrate effi- ation, for instance fear of spiders, of flying, of heights. These drugs have a slower onset of action • Anxiety provoked by the occurrence of such thoughts, than benzodiazepines, are less well tolerated but cause or by prevention of the compulsive acts. Symptoms often abate briefly if the individual synaptic activity in the brain possibly involving the trans- is taken to a new environment. Those who do not respond should receive ei- occasionally used for severe and treatment-resistant cases, ther buspirone for 6–8 weeks at full therapeutic dose though deep brain stimulation techniques are superseding (possibly as an add-on) or pregabalin. The duration of therapy depends on the nature of the un- General comments about treating derlying illness.

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As a result 50mg pletal with amex muscle relaxant withdrawal symptoms, only properly educated and contributes to relatively rapid recovery afer con- qualifed personnel should administer propofol for tinuous infusions purchase pletal in india spasms left upper quadrant. Propofol-induced depression of upper in inactive metabolites that are eliminated by renal airway refexes exceeds that of thiopental discount 50 mg pletal with mastercard spasms constipation, allowing clearance. The pharmacokinetics of propofol do not intubation, endoscopy, or laryngeal mask placement appear to be afected by obesity, cirrhosis, or kidney in the absence of neuromuscular blockade. Cerebral other competing agents has not yet been established Propofol decreases cerebral blood fow and intracra- in clinical practice. Propofol and thiopen- tal probably provide a similar degree of cerebral pro- Premedication of the Surgical Patient tection during experimental focal ischemia. Unique An extremely anxious 17-year-old woman pres- to propofol are its antipruritic properties. She demands to emetic efects (requiring a blood propofol concen- be asleep before going to the operating room tration of 200 ng/mL) provide yet another reason for and does not want to remember anything. Induction is occasionally accompanied by excitatory What are the goals of administering phenomena such as muscle twitching, spontaneous preoperative medication? Although Anxiety is a normal response to impending sur- these reactions may occasionally mimic tonic–clonic gery. Diminishing anxiety is usually the major goal seizures, propofol has anticonvulsant properties and of preoperative medication. For many patients, the has been used successfully to terminate status epi- preoperative interview with the anesthesiologist lepticus. Propofol may be safely administered to allays fears more effectively than sedative drugs. Propofol decreases intraocular Preoperative medication may also provide relief of pressure. Tolerance does not develop afer long-term preoperative pain or perioperative amnesia. The goals of preoperative medication Fentanyl and alfentanil concentrations may be depend on many factors, including the health and increased with concomitant administration of pro- emotional status of the patient, the proposed sur- pofol. Many clinicians administer a small amount of gical procedure, and the anesthetic plan. For this midazolam (eg, 30 mcg/kg) prior to induction with reason, the choice of anesthetic premedication propofol; midazolam can reduce the required pro- must be individualized and must follow a thorough pofol dose by more than 10%. Some patients dread Fospropofol is a water-soluble prodrug that is intramuscular injections, and others find altered metabolized in vivo to propofol, phosphate, and states of consciousness more unpleasant than formaldehyde. If the surgical procedure is brief, the States and other countries based on studies show- effects of some sedatives may extend into the post- ing that it produces more complete amnesia and operative period and prolong recovery time. This is better conscious sedation for endoscopy than mid- particularly troublesome for patients undergoing azolam plus fentanyl. Intramuscular mid- sedative premedication include severe lung dis- azolam has a rapid onset (30 min) and short dura- ease, hypovolemia, impending airway obstruction, tion (90 min), but intravenous midazolam has an increased intracranial pressure, and depressed even better pharmacokinetic profile. Premedication with sedative Which factors must be considered in selecting drugs should never be given before informed con- the anesthetic premedication for this patient? First, it must be made clear to the patient that Which patients are most likely to benefit in most centers, lack of necessary equipment and from preoperative medication? Separation of young chil- Long-acting agents such as morphine or loraz- dren from their parents is often a traumatic ordeal, epam are poor choices for an outpatient proce- particularly if they have endured multiple prior sur- dure. One alternative is to establish an disease or hypertension may be aggravated by intravenous line in the preoperative holding area psychological stress. Vital signs— particularly respiratory rate—must be continu- Some medications often given preoperatively ously monitored. Raeder J: Ketamine, revival of a versatile intravenous On the other hand, respiratory depression, ortho- anaesthetic. Benzodiazepines relieve anxiety, often pro- Vanlersberghe C, Camu F: Etomidate and other non- vide amnesia, and are relatively free of side effects; barbiturates. Large doses of opioids block remifentanil, and alfentanil) can induce the release of these hormones in response chest wall rigidity severe enough to prevent to surgery more completely than volatile adequate bag-and-mask ventilation. Infusion of large doses of (in inhibition underlies the nearly 1-week particular) remifentanil during general duration of its clinical effects (eg, return of anesthesia can produce acute tolerance, platelet aggregation to normal) after drug in which much larger than usual doses discontinuation. Studies have shown that out- Four major opioid receptor types have been identi- comes can be improved when analgesia is provided fed (Table 10–1): mu (µ, with subtypes µ1 and µ2), in a “multimodal” format (typically emphasizing kappa (κ), delta (δ), and sigma (σ). Endorphins, enkephalins, and dynorphins are endogenous peptides that bind to opioid recep- Receptor Clinical Effect Agonists tors. Tese three families of opioid peptides difer in µ Supraspinal Morphine their amino acid sequences, anatomic distributions, analgesia (µ ) Met-enkephalin2 1 and receptor afnities. Respiratory β-Endorphin2 depression (µ ) Fentanyl Opioid receptor activation inhibits the pre- 2 Physical dependence synaptic release and postsynaptic response to Muscle rigidity excitatory neurotransmitters (eg, acetylcholine, κ Sedation Morphine substance P) from nociceptive neurons. The cel- Spinal analgesia Nalbuphine lular mechanism for this action was described at Butorphanol the beginning of this chapter. Transmission of pain Dynorphin2 impulses can be selectively modifed at the level of Oxycodone the dorsal horn of the spinal cord with intrathe- δ Analgesia Leu-enkephalin2 cal or epidural administration of opioids. Opioid Behavioral β-Endorphin2 receptors also respond to systemically adminis- Epileptogenic tered opioids. Modulation through a descending σ Dysphoria Pentazocine inhibitory pathway from the periaqueductal gray Hallucinations Nalorphine matter to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord may Respiratory Ketamine also play a role in opioid analgesia. Although opi- stimulation oids exert their greatest efect within the central 1Note: The relationships among receptor, clinical effect, and agonist are nervous system, opiate receptors have also been more complex than indicated in this table. For example, pentazocine is an antagonisThat µ receptors, a partial agonisThat κ receptors, and an identifed on somatic and sympathetic peripheral agonisThat σ receptors. Opioids inhibit volt- side the central nervous system (alvimopan and age-gated calcium channels and activate inwardly oral naltrexone). Opioid efects vary tors on axons of primary sensory nerves and the based on the duration of exposure, and opioid toler- clinical importance of these receptors (if present) ance leads to changes in opioid responses. The properties of Structure–Activity specifc opioids depend on which receptor is bound (and in the case of spinal and epidural administra- Relationships tion of opioids, the location in the neuraxis where Opioid receptor binding is a property shared by a the receptor is located) and the binding afnity of chemically diverse group of compounds. Agonist–antagonists (eg, nalbuphine, less, there are common structural characteristics, nalorphine, butorphanol, and pentazocine) have less which are shown in Figure 10–1. As is true for most efcacy than so-called full agonists (eg, fentanyl) classes of drugs, small molecular changes can convert and under some circumstances will antagonize the an agonist into an antagonist. The pure opioid antagonists mers are generally more potent than the dextrorota- are discussed in Chapter 17. Absorption Rapid and complete absorption follows the intra- Nonionized Protein Lipid Agent Fraction Binding Solubility muscular injection of hydromorphone, morphine, or meperidine, with peak plasma levels usually reached Morphine + + + + + afer 20–60 min. Oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate Meperidine + + + + + + absorption (fentanyl “lollipop”) provides rapid onset of analgesia and sedation in patients who are not Fentanyl + + + + + + + + good candidates for conventional oral, intravenous, Sufentanil + + + + + + + + + + or intramuscular dosing of opioids. The low molecular weight and high lipid solu- Alfentanil + + + + + + + + + + + bility of fentanyl also favor transdermal absorption Remifentanil + + + + + + + + (the transdermal fentanyl “patch”).

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Many anesthesia duty and will delineate what they can consider in providers will not want to settle a case because making their judgment buy pletal online now spasms stomach. Many cases will set- award in excess of the insurance policy maximum tle during the course of the trial safe 50 mg pletal spasms 24, as neither party may (depending on the jurisdiction) place the wishes to be subject to the arbitrary decisions of an personal assets of the defendant providers at risk buy pletal 100 mg fast delivery muscle relaxant of choice in renal failure. Should the case not settle, the Tis underscores the importance of our advice jurors will reach a verdict. When a jury determines to all practitioners (not only those involved in a that the defendants were negligent and negligence lawsuit) to assemble their personal assets (house, was the cause of the plaintif ’s injuries, the jury retirement fund, etc. If the award sonal asset confscation difcult in the event of a is so egregiously large that it is inconsistent with negative judgment. One should remember that an awards for similar injuries, the judge may reduce its adverse judgment may arise from a case in which amount. Incidence U nfortunately, a malpractice action can take T ere are several reasons why it is difcult to years to reach a conclusion. Consultation with a accurately measure the incidence of adverse mental health professional may be appropriate for anesthesia-related outcomes. First, it is ofen difcult the defendant when the litigation process results in to determine whether the cause of a poor outcome is unmanageable stress, depression, increased alcohol the patient’s underlying disease, the surgical proce- consumption, or substance abuse. In some cases, Determining what constitutes the “standard all three factors contribute to a poor outcome. In the United cally important measurable outcomes are relatively Sates, the defnition of “standard of care” is made rare afer elective anesthetics. Generally, the stan- able to anesthesia are much rarer, a very large series dard of care is met when a patient receives care that of patients must be studied to assemble conclusions other reasonable physicians in similar circumstances that have statistical signifcance. Unfortunately, and these provide a basic framework for routine studies vary in criteria for defning an anesthesia- anesthetic practice (eg, monitoring). Increasingly, a related adverse outcome and are limited by retro- number of “guidelines” have been developed by the spective analysis. The increasing number of guidelines prof- perioperative fatalities are due to the patient’s preop- fered by the numerous anesthesia and other societ- erative disease or the surgical procedure. In a study ies and their frequent updating can make it difcult conducted between 1948 and 1952, anesthesia mor- for clinicians to stay abreast of the changing nature tality in the United States was approximately 5100 of practice. Likewise, the information States showed that the rate of anesthesia-related upon which guidelines are based can range from deaths was 1. Nonetheless, plaintif ’s in methodology, there are discrepancies in the lit- attorneys will attempt to use guidelines to establish erature as to how well anesthesiology is doing in a “standard of care,” when, in fact, clinical guide- achieving safe practice. The strongest association with periop- record, as plaintif ’s attorneys will attempt to use the erative death was the type of surgery (Figure 54–2). A subsequent review of the 88 deaths have been prevented by better anesthesia practice in that occurred on the surgical day noted that 13 of 1 of 13,900 cases. Additionally, this study reported Spine Intracranial Urologic Abdominal Head/Neck Other Vasc. Unfortunately, some identify common events leading to claims in anes- rate of human error is inevitable, and a prevent- thesia, patterns of injury, and strategies for injury able accident is not necessarily evidence of incom- prevention. The Closed gation records, anesthesia-related claims accounted Claims Project consists of trained physicians who for 2. The number of cal anesthesia were responsible for 44% and 29%, claims in the database continues to rise each year as respectively, of anesthesia-related claims fled. The claims are authors of the latter study noted that there are two grouped according to specifc damaging events and ways to examine data related to patient harm: critical complication type. Clinical (or criti- have been reported for airway injury, nerve injury, cal) incident data consider events that either cause awareness, and so forth. Consequently, closed claims reports tion (some with the complication may not fle suit), must always be considered in this context. Trends in anesthesia-related death and brain dam- age have been tracked for many years. In a Closed Causes Claims Project report examining claims in the Anesthetic mishaps can be categorized as 3 preventable or unpreventable. How- Breathing circuit ever, studies of anesthetic-related deaths or near Monitoring device misses suggest that many accidents are prevent- Ventilator able. The proportion of claims premature extubation, and inadequate ventilation for brain injury or death was 56% in 1975, but had were the primary mechanisms by which less than decreased to 27% by 2000. The primary pathological optimal anesthetic care was thought to have contrib- mechanisms by which these outcomes occurred uted to patient injury related to respiratory events. Early in the study period, respiratory-related attributed to respiratory rather cardiovascular damaging events were responsible for more than damaging events during the review period was 50% of brain injury/death claims, whereas cardio- attributed to the increased use of pulse oximetry and vascular-related damaging events were responsible capnometry. Consequently, if expired gas analysis for 27% of such claims; however, by the late 1980s, was judged to be adequate, and a patient sufered the percentage of damaging events related to respi- brain injury or death, a cardiovascular event was ratory issues had decreased, with both respiratory more likely to be considered causative. Respira- tion Authority dataset noted that airway-related tory damaging events included difcult airway, claims led to higher awards and poorer outcomes esophageal intubation, and unexpected extubation. Indeed, airway Cardiovascular damaging events were usually multi- manipulation and central venous catheterization factorial. Closed claims reviewers found that anes- claims in this database were most associated with thesia care was substandard in 64% of claims in patient death. Trauma to the airway also generates which respiratory complications contributed to signifcant claims if esophageal or tracheal rupture brain injury or death, but in only 28% of cases in occur. Air embolisms, presents the best opportunity to mitigate any inju- infections, and vascular insufciency secondary to ries incurred. Radial artery catheters seem to gen- catheter embolism, tamponade, bloodstream infec- erate few closed claims; however, femoral artery tions, carotid arterypuncture, hemothorax, and pneu- catheters can lead to greater complications and mothorax all contributed to patient injury. Tamponade claims following line placement B oth critical incident and closed claims analyses were ofen for patient death. The authors of a 2004 have been reported regarding complications and closed claims analysis recommended reviewing the mortality related to obstetrical anesthesia. Brain damage Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System, which and stroke are associated with claims secondary to collects data on all reported deaths causally related carotid cannulation. Multiple confrmatory methods to pregnancy, 86 of the 5946 pregnancy-related should be used to ensure that the internal jugular and deaths reported to the Centers for Disease Control not the carotid artery is cannulated. The anesthesia mortality 6849 claims, 91% of which were for complications rate in this period was 1. The most common claim associated with related maternal mortality may be secondary to the obstetrical anesthesia was related to nerve injury decreased use of general anesthesia in parturients, following regional anesthesia. Nerve injury can be reduced concentrations of bupivacaine in epidur- secondary to neuraxial anesthesia and analgesia, als, improved airway management protocols and but also due to obstetrical causes. Early neurological devices, and greater use of incremental (rather than consultation to identify the source of nerve injury is bolus) dosing of epidural catheters. The incidence I n a closed claims analysis, peripheral nerve blocks of complications was increased in patients under- were involved in 159 of the 6894 claims analyzed. Complica- permanent injuries (36%), and temporary inju- tions of neuraxial anesthesia (eg, postdural puncture ries (56%).

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The lack of enhancement with hyper- intraoperative retraction discount pletal 50mg otc muscle relaxant 2631, which is sometimes trophic olivary degeneration may help differenti- performed in order to access large or deep tumors cheap pletal 50mg with mastercard muscle relaxant 751. On strate associated atrophy of the contralateral den- imaging obtained during the early postoperative tate nucleus or cerebellar cortex buy 50 mg pletal with visa muscle relaxant vocal cord. Unlike acute infarction, the vaso- Hypertrophy of the olivary nucleus tends to genic edema demonstrates elevated diffusivity develop after several months and can resolve rather than restricted diffusion. The patient under- maps show an area of restricted diffusion posterior to the went recent resection of a right posterior temporal lobe resection cavity (arrows) glioblastoma. The of hyperintensity in the bilateral medial cerebellar hemi- patient has a history of fourth ventricular medulloblas- spheres. The lack of contrast enhancement deposits can coat remote leptomeningeal surfaces, and susceptibility effects help distinguish particularly the cerebellum and brainstem. The sig- include inadequate hemostasis, underlying coag- nifcance of superfcial siderosis is that it may ulopathies, and hypertension. The study was images show an intrinsically T1 hyperintense and T2 obtained to evaluate for residual tumor following recent hypointense extradural collection (*) with blooming and meningioma resection. The patient underwent subtotal and susceptibility-weighted imaging (d) show interval resection of glioblastoma. Preoperative axial T1-weighted appearance of high T1 signal hemorrhage and extensive (a) and susceptibility-weighted imaging (b) show a large susceptibility effect within and adjacent to the residual mass (*) in the left frontal lobe with only a few foci of tumor (arrows) microhemorrhage. Nevertheless, in Many types of enhancing lesions can be encoun- some cases, biopsy or serial imaging can help elu- tered on imaging after surgery, as listed in Table 5. Indeed, several of these conditions can coex- bed on imaging exams, particularly with aggres- ist and make interpretation of the imaging a chal- sive neoplasms, such as glioblastoma, which can lenge. Differentiation of these conditions from undergo spread to remote parts of the brain, seed recurrent enhancing tumor is based on morphology the scalp and face soft tissues, and undergo cere- as well as timing. Since intensifes over the ensuing residual enhancing tumor can be obscured or confounded by weeks, and resolves over granulation tissue, baseline imaging is recommended within 3–5 months 48 h of surgery, before granulation tissue forms. Serial imaging can also help to differentiate granulation tissue from residual tumor in that tumor increases in size over time, while granulation tissue should remain stable and eventually resolves Perioperative 2 weeks after surgery Two-thirds of patients have focal infarcts around the resection ischemia cavity, and this can account for new post-op neurological defcits. Enhancement slowly resolves, leaving an area of encephalomalacia Postoperative 1–3 weeks after surgery Clinical deterioration and new enhancement 1–3 weeks after infection surgery should raise a question of infection. Focal infection may show restricted diffusion Pseudoprogression Within 3 months following Infammatory response to treatment. Wanes with time (scans are performed every month until change determines likely diagnosis). The patient has a history of corresponding hypermetabolism on the blood volume left frontal lobe glioblastoma that was resected and map (b). The two Focal brain necrosis due to chemotherapy primary means of delivering intrathecal chemo- extravasation secondary to Ommaya reservoir therapy are Ommaya reservoirs and repeat lum- catheter obstruction is rare, with an incidence bar puncture. This condition is caused by in the subcutaneous tissues of the scalp and con- displacement of the catheter tip into the brain tain a pump mechanism for drug delivery agents parenchyma. Imaging demonstrates circumfer- into the ventricular system through an intraven- ential areas of necrosis surrounding the retracted tricular catheter (Fig. Ommaya reservoirs Ommaya catheter, manifesting as patchy enhance- offer many advantages over repeat lumbar punc- ment, high T2 signal, and restricted diffusion, rep- tures, including greater patient comfort, dimin- resenting cytotoxic edema (Fig. A unique ished risk for patients with thrombocytopenia, and serious complication of methotrexate extrav- more consistent drug levels, and possibly greater asation is progressive leukoencephalopathy. Tumor cyst devices are similar entity involves the white matter diffusely and can to Ommaya shunts, but are used to inject chemo- be either hemorrhagic or nonhemorrhagic. Cerebrospinal fuid cysts can sometimes form Infection is a major complication of Ommaya around Ommaya catheters and may be caused catheter placement. The incidence of Ommaya- by distal shunt obstruction, although this com- associated infection is 15% within the frst year of plication can also occur when the catheter is placement (range 2–23%). Staphylococcus aureus appropriately positioned, with or without hydro- and Staphylococcus epidermidis are the most cephalus. Manifestations of perceptible walls or rim enhancement, but may catheter-associated infection range from menin- have surrounding edema. Although the cysts may gitis to abscess, for which imaging is useful for be asymptomatic, it is important to evaluate for identifying fuid collections surrounding the cath- predisposing factors that could be addressed, eter (Fig. Debris in the fuid and enhance- such as malpositioning of the Ommaya catheter ment helps differentiate infection from hygromas (Fig. The tip of the catheter lies within the has a history of leptomeningeal spread of breast cancer. Axial T1-weighted also hydrocephalus 5 Imaging the Intraoperative and Postoperative Brain 213 5. The wafers are biodegradable sheets of poly- also be useful for monitoring tumor response to mers that are impregnated with the chemotherapy chemotherapy wafers. On both T2-weighted (b) and T1-weighted and placement of I-125 interstitial radiation seeds. The catheter and its position mark- to administer intracranial brachytherapy for ers are also visible on both modalities. This produces the appearance and Epilepsy Surgery of band-like cavitary lesions in the frontal lobe white matter (Fig. The procedure essen- which correspond to residual Pantopaque used tially consists of ablating the frontal lobe white for visualization of the lobotomy plane during matter tracts using a probe-like device known the operation. The surgery consists of introducing probes via frontal burr holes for ablation of the posteroventral portion of the globus pallidus interna (Fig. The goal of the procedure is to interrupt excessive inhibitory output from the basal ganglia. Eventually, the lesion-edema complex evolves into a smaller focus of low T1 signal and high T2 signal. The patient has a history of Parkinson’s disease and underwent pallidotomy approxi- mately 1 year prior to imaging on the left side and several days earlier on the right side. The lesion on the right is more recent and slightly less hypoat- tenuating than the lesion on the left. Axial T2-weighted (b) and axial T1-weighted (c) images show subacute blood products within the right pallidotomy lesion surrounded by edema and fuid within the chronic left pallidotomy lesion 220 D. There can be T1 hyperintensity due to petechial hemorrhage, as well as T2 hyperin- 5. The procedure imaging is also useful for confrming interruption can be performed in a minimally invasive man- of the cingulum. This process results in region of the cingulotomy lesion is associated necrosis of the surrounding brain tissue, which with improved behavior. The patient has microelectrode insertion site in the bilateral anterior a history of medically intractable obsessive-compulsive cingulate gyri.

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Empiricism also plays a significant role, but experience cannot be taught or contained in a textbook. An important element to consider with all these methodologies is that they are not patient specific and may not be an accurate representation of an anatomical variant that submits for clinical treatment. Niemczyk to view the selected field from an infinite number of angles, coupled with a 3D-rendered perspective of the jaw segment, enables the clinician to perform a “Virtual Surgery ”© [ 15] in the selected field that is patient specific and nondestruc- tive. It is espe- cially advantageous when employing this technology as an inter-treatment survey for the location of undisclosed canals that may be atypically placed or dystrophically obscured [19]. A critical assessment as to the location and depth of the missing canal relative to known anatomical landmarks within the root is paramount to the success- ful acquisition in teeth that have been prosthetically altered. The margin for error can be miniscule when considering the available width and fragility of the root form undergoing treatment. An appreciation for the number and curvature of the roots is reinforced when surveying the cone beam scan that is absent in a two-dimensional assessment of the same tooth [20 – 23], especially in light of geographic diversity and variations. The presence of periapical disease can be masked in the uniplanar image because of the overlying structures; a scan of the same site often reveals obvious pathology coincident with the patient’s signs and symptoms [24, 25]. Collectively, this expansion of available data expedites a focused and patient-centric treatment decision tree, where options and pitfalls can be disclosed with a greater degree of confidence and accomplished without subjecting the patient to unnecessary proce- dures or empirical guesswork. This is especially germane when a retreatment is being considered, where oftentimes the internal anatomy may be obliterated and the accompanying visual cues to certain structures are altered or nonexistent. One retrospective study [26] reported that missed canal anatomy was responsible for 48% of the unsuccessful initial therapies in molars, with the preponderance being the mesiobuccal root of maxillary first molars. The authors, in their concluding statements, made the following observation: “Given that failure to locate all canal systems of a tooth contributes significantly to unsuc- cessful endodontic treatment, all measures available to the clinician to maximize canal identification should be used. Although not currently promoted for initial therapy, prudent scanning of selected cases can maximize the operator’s under- standing of the underlying morphology and allows them to confidently address the anatomy. Although not guaranteeing success, it is a significant step toward enhanc- ing the outcome and reducing the likelihood of future treatment interventions. The patient had received treatment for both teeth within the previous 14 months and had remained symptomatic for much of that time. Conventional radiographs 5 Nonsurgical Retreatment Utilizing Cone Beam Computed Tomography 77 failed to disclose any significant clues as to the etiology, and the patient was presenting for consultation. Unfortunately, this clinical scenario is not that unusual, and it is frus- trating for the patient who is often told that “nothing is showing up in the X-rays. The patient presented with similar signs and symp- toms, with the past dental history of treatment and subsequent retreatment without resolution. The tooth was diagnosed as “fractured” and was presenting for consulta- tion prior to extraction. The typical signs of fracture were not present in the preop- erative exam or radiographs (deep isolated probing depths, vertical bone defects), but the multiple radiographic angles did accentuate the asymmetry of the obturation in the seemingly fused root form. A seasoned practitioner would observe this asym- metry and suspect an additional canal, but two principal questions remain: where would you commence the excavation, and in what direction? Careful examination of the axial sections, slice by slice, disclosed a minute sealer streak 4 mm from the floor of the chamber and inclined toward the mesiolingual line angle of the root. Coincidentally, the root is also slightly more bulbous in the same area, further evi- dence of an additional canal. Colorized versions of the axial and coronal sections illustrated the extent and angle of this streak, enhancing the three-dimensional com- prehension preoperatively. Careful measurements and directional landmarks simpli- fied the discovery of the mesiolingual canal after the filling materials were harvested, allowing for negotiation and debridement of the missing canal. The patient was asymptomatic, but presented with a sinus tract tracing to the mesial root apex. A study in extracted teeth [27] correlated intercanal distances between the mesiobuccal and mesiolingual canals with the likelihood of these roots containing a middle mesial canal. Conservative treatment of this canal and retreatment of all the remaining spaces effectively addressed the etiology, as evidenced by the resolution of the sinus tract within 1 week. Mandibular molars with distolingual supernumerary roots present a unique challenge to any practitioner. First coined radix entomolaris by Carabelli [28], they demonstrate great variability in anatomical presentations and ethnic predisposi- tions [29 – 33]. Niemczyk on conventional radiographs, the precise anatomical variant is readily displayed with the aid of the cone beam scan [34]. It proved an indispensable asset in the next case, the retreatment of tooth #30 (Sect. The existence of the radix is suggested by the radiographs, but the true nature of the roots position is revealed in the axial sections of the scan. The coronal and sagittal views disclose the extent of the periapical involvement preoperatively and the resolution 12 months later. The initial radiographic exam was not encouraging, but despite the evidence to the contrary, the tooth’s mobility was between a 1 and 2, with no depression into the socket. The lone region of deep periodontal probing depth was at the mesial aspect of the tooth, coincident with the vertical defect seen in the pretreatment radiographs. The patient reported being told that the dentist had encountered some difficulties during the procedure, including an unexplained “obstruction” and pos- sibly a separated instrument. These findings were presented to the patient, who desired to retain the tooth if at all possible. The retreatment was agreed to, after detailed informed consent and full disclosure of the poor prognosis. Partial removal of the gutta-percha in the palatal canal confirmed that this C-shaped isth- mus, containing small fragments of necrotic tissue, indeed joined the body of the palatal canal space. This anomaly is extremely rare in appearance, with a reported incidence in first molars of 0. In second molars, this irregularity has only been associated clinically with the palatal root [36] or in the study of sec- tioned extracted teeth [37]. It also appears to be genetically determined, which could provide insights into the ethnic origins of those patients with this morpho- logic variation [38 ]. Complete removal of all the obturative material in the palatal canal uncovered the suspected perforation of the mesial aspect of the space in the coronal third of the root. Occasionally, the discovery of unusual anatomy is serendipitous, often disclosed by the unintentional tracking of the root canal filling material.

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