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Health risks may be posed 30 by drug-herb interactions and problems related to quality control order requip in india medicine used for pink eye. A different analysis of 25 ginseng herbal supplements found a 15 to 200-fold variation in the concentration of active ginseng ingredients cheap requip 2 mg medicine for pink eye. More seriously 2mg requip mastercard medicine 5 rights, a significant number of herbal products have been found to contain pharmaceuticals. Edzard Ernst, Adulteration of Chinese Herbal Medicines with Synthetic Drugs: A Systematic Review, 252 J. In 2005 researchers purchased 230 traditional Ayurvedic herbal medicines available online for sale in the U. The issue of adulteration and contamination, particularly from Asian 7 perspective, it should be noted that despite the widespread use of traditional medicine, 31 reports of serious adverse effects are rare. As a result, manufacturers may be only responsible for making a good faith effort to ensure products contain pure substances that are not contaminated, weakened or 32 mislabeled. These rules set requirements for domestically marketed herbs that include meeting specifications for identity, purity, strength and 37 composition. High-profile cases of adverse effects from herbal supplements have demonstrated the potential dangers of poorly regulated traditional medicine. National attention has recently been focused on this matter in the aftermath of incidents related to infant formula, pet food, and toothpaste contamination. When appropriately prepared and used, traditional Chinese herbs are generally safe and effective. The use of herbs, including their active ingredients, without appropriate diagnosis and outside of traditional guidelines should not be considered traditional 39 medicine. Ephedra Sinica is one of the oldest and most commonly used medicines in the Chinese herbal pharmacopeia. It was included as one of more than 360 herbs in the first herbal compendium written more than 2,000 years ago. In the 1980s and 1990s, some dietary supplement manufacturers began using Ephedra as a component of weight-loss and athletic enhancement supplements, without 41 regard for its traditional use, dosage or contraindications. Despite the fact that Ephedra was known to raise blood pressure and act as a stimulant to the cardiovascular and central 42 nervous systems, supplements containing Ephedra were marketed broadly without health warnings or restrictions. Furthermore, these supplements were of highly variable quality and concentration; an examination of Ephedra containing supplements revealed 18-fold 43 variations in the content of ephedrine and ephedrine-like substances. Ultimately, these supplements caused a large number of adverse effects, including heart attacks, strokes and 44 45 even death. For example, in 2012, 32 billion dollars was spent in the United States of America on dietary supplements, an amount projected to increase to 60 46 billion dollars in 2021. Benowitz, Adverse cardiovascular and central nervous system events associated with dietary supplements containing ephedra alkaloids, 343 New Eng. Traditional medicines also contribute to the development of pharmaceutical treatments. As much as one-third to one-half of pharmaceutical drugs was 48 originally derived from plants. The anti- cancer drug Taxol was derived from the bark of the Pacific yew tree, and Aspirin was 49 isolated from willow bark. Traditional medicine does more than provide raw materials for pharmaceuticals holders of traditional knowledge often have valuable knowledge for new drug development. Pharmaceutical companies invest billions of dollars annually in the hope of developing new chemical entities that are safe and effective, and that can be manufactured in a cost effective way. It is estimated that for every 10,000 pure compounds that are biologically evaluated, only one achieves 50 regulatory approval. A single approval can take upwards of a decade and cost 51 hundreds of millions of dollars. Traditional knowledge can provide valuable guidance in selecting and obtaining plant material of potential therapeutic interest. Bioactive compounds derived from currently used herbal medicines are more likely to have minimal toxicity, and a long history of clinical use suggests that a herbal medicine may be clinically effective. Plant-derived compounds used as drugs are generally used in ways that correlate directly with their traditional uses as plant 52 medicines. Malaria also causes significant economic damage in high-rate areas, and disproportionately 54 affects poor people who cannot afford treatment or have limited access to health care. Traditional medicines are the source of some modern antimalarial drugs (artemisinin and quinine derivatives). Artemisinin was isolated in 1972 as the active ingredient of the plant Artemisia annua, and this innovation relied upon the Chinese traditional medical text, rd 55 Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies, written in the 3 century A. Carter, The evolving role of natural products in drug discovery, 4 Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 206-220, 206 (March 2005). A study investigating plant-derived pure compounds used as drugs identified 122 compounds obtained from 94 species of plants. These compounds are used globally as drugs and 80% are used in ways that correlate directly with their traditional uses as plant medicines by native cultures. Farnsworth, The Value of Plants Used in Traditional Medicine for Drug Discovery, 109 Environmental Health Perspectives 69-75, 69 (2001). This process is sometimes referred to as "bioprospecting," the development of new therapeutics from products of nature. On the one hand, bioprospecting can be beneficial to indigenous communities and developing countries. National governments and local communities may receive a portion of revenue from the sale of new medicines developed from traditional resources, and this revenue can support the conservation and sustainable use of biological resources. On the other hand, if unregulated, bioprospecting can result in over-exploitation of limited resources. Habitats that support medicinal plants are being destroyed by over-harvesting and new commercial developments. Many traditional medicines now face extinction with serious consequences for local communities. For example, licorice root, without a doubt the most 59 commonly used Chinese herb is now threatened. Licorice root is now grown in less than 60 half its previous area as a result of excessive harvesting and habitat destruction. Where bioprospecting occurs without benefit-sharing or the consent of source communities it is sometimes referred to as "biopiracy". However, guarding these resources has historically proven challenging due to a lack of national and international regulations and the need for law enforcement. A prominent example includes the patenting of turmeric in the United States of America. It is applied as an antiseptic for cuts, burns and bruises, taken internally for digestive disorders, and applied topically for skin disorders. The patent on "Use of Turmeric in Wound Healing" covered "a method of promoting healing of a wound by administering turmeric to a patient afflicted with the wound".

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Der p 3 has been cloned (183) proven 1mg requip symptoms 5-6 weeks pregnant, and enzymatic studies have demonstrated serine protease activities consistent with trypsin ( 184) and N-terminal homology similar to Der f 3 buy cheap requip on-line medications 126. Der p 5 and Der p 7 have been cloned and show some cross-reactivity with each other purchase 1 mg requip overnight delivery pretreatment, but their biologic function is unknown ( 189). The high concentration of allergen is thought to be clinically significant in that it could cause intense local inflammatory response when inhaled into the respiratory mucosa. In the United Kingdom, 10% of the population and 90% of allergic asthmatics have positive skin test results to house dust mite extracts. As many as 75% of the serum antibodies to mites are directed against the Der p 1 allergen (171). In some allergic subjects, IgE antibody to Der p 1 constitutes 9% to 21% of the total IgE, with a mean value of 12% (190). Removal of allergic children from environmental exposure to house dust mite antigen reduced both specific IgE antibodies to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and total IgE levels (164). However, whether dust mite control measures have a significant clinical effect on asthma remains a point of controversy (191,192,193 and 194). In summary, the major allergens in house dust are contained in the fecal particles and bodies of mites that inhabit the dust. Because of the heterogeneous composition of crude house dust mixtures, patients should be tested and treated with house dust mite extracts rather than with crude house dust materials. Because domestic animals are widespread in our society and some of their emanations are potent allergens, the topic is important for the allergist. Occupational exposure of farmers, veterinarians, and laboratory workers has economic importance. Social and family interactions may be strained severely when one person becomes allergic to a beloved family pet. Hair itself is not an important allergen because it is not buoyant or water soluble. Water-soluble proteins of epidermal or salivary origin that are attached to the hair are important allergens, however. Desquamation is a continuous process for all animals, and the dander materials contain many water-soluble proteins that are highly antigenic and allergenic. People commonly develop local urticaria at the sites where they have been licked by a cat or dog or where they have been scratched by claws or teeth. All of these substances become part of the amorphous particulate matter of the air and are responsible for allergic morbidity. Cats seemingly produce the most dramatic symptoms in sensitive individuals, particularly in those who are exposed intermittently. Whether this is caused by the concentration of cat allergens in the environs or by the potency of the allergens is unknown. Studies with cat pelts have disclosed a substance called Fel d 1 that appears to be the major allergen, recognized by over 80% of cat-sensitive individuals ( 195). Allergens other than Fel d 1 in some sensitive individuals also have been detected in cat serum and urine, but these are minor allergens ( 198). Studies with individual cats show that some cats are high producers of allergen and others are not. Moreover, the rate of allergen production of individual cats varies from hour to hour. These factors may explain why some patients are more allergic to certain cats than to others ( 196). In addition, there does not appear to be any seasonal variation in Fel d 1 production. Morphologic room sampling shows abundant squamous cell fragments smaller than 5 m, enabling these fragments to reach small bronchioles and alveoli ( 199). This small particle size also explains why cat allergen can remain airborne in undisturbed conditions for extended periods. Serial dust samples collected in the study of 15 homes after removal of the family cats were analyzed for Fel d 1. After removing the cats, the levels decreased to those of control homes in 20 to 24 weeks. However, significant differences occurred in the rate of decline of Fel d 1 among homes. It may therefore be prudent to advise patients that it might take up to 6 months after removal of a cat for the bulk of the cat allergens to disappear from the home ( 200). In the same experiments, using dander from 13 breeds of dogs and sera of 16 patients with documented dog allergy, the various sera showed significant breed specificity. More recently Can f 1 and Can f 2 have been cloned and described as lipocalins, small ligand binding proteins (202). These patients have a high cross-reactivity with cat and other animal albumins ( 203). The fact that dogs tend to spend more time outdoors and are bathed more frequently may explain their decreased importance as an allergen source relative to cats. Most patients who are demonstrably sensitive to dander are also sensitive to other perennial allergens. This complicates the determination of which allergen is responsible for their symptoms. The recommendation to eliminate a pet from a home environment places the clinician in a difficult position. Patients do not readily accept the proposition that their pet may be the cause of their allergic problem, even in light of positive skin test results. Positive bronchial provocation might be supportive, but results are not conclusive. Cat allergen is known to persist in the home for up to 24 weeks after removal of the pet, so a trial separation of the patient away from the home environment for several weeks to months is probably the best prognostic indicator at this time. Horses resemble cats in the explosive symptoms that may occur on exposure to their dander, but this clinical situation is less common and less difficult to manage, primarily because of the absence of horse dander in the home. Some antigens are common to horse dander and serum, creating the potential for a serious problem in patients when horse serum (such as an antivenom) may be urgently needed. Equ c 1 and Equ c 2 have been cloned and both described as members of the lipocalin family ( 205,206). Significant skin test reactivity to the dander of rats and mice in persons whose homes are infested with these rodents also may be seen. Allergic symptoms in laboratory workers exposed to immune allergens have promoted several studies on the nature of these allergens ( 207,208). In mouse-sensitive subjects, a major urinary protein, Mus m 1, appears to be the primary allergen.

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Sample Citation and Introduction to Citing Parts of Reports The general format for a reference to a part of a report, including punctuation: Examples of Citations to Parts of Reports Rather than citing a report as a whole, separately identified portions of a report may be cited. Because a reference should start with the individual or organization with responsibility for the intellectual content of the publication, begin a reference to a part of a report with the report itself, then follow it with the information about the part. Reports may contain charts, figures, and other illustrative material that have been reproduced with permission from other sources. Citation Rules with Examples for Parts of Reports Components/elements are listed in the order they should appear in a reference. Part of a report in language other than English Location (Pagination) of the Part for a Report (required) General Rules for Location (Pagination) Begin location with "p. 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Part of a report in language other than English Rapport annuel de gestion [Annual administrative report]. Entire Dissertations and Theses Sample Citation and Introduction Citation Rules with Examples Examples B. Parts of Dissertations and Theses Sample Citation and Introduction Citation Rules with Examples Examples A. Citations to dissertations and theses are similar to the standard book, with the following important points: With rare exceptions, dissertations have only one author. When this occurs, obtain the city name from another source and place it in square brackets. The chief source for information about a dissertation or thesis is its title page. The back of the title page, called the verso page, and the cover are additional sources of authoritative information not found on the title page. Citation Rules with Examples for Entire Dissertations and Theses Components/elements are listed in the order they should appear in a reference. 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Parametros predictivos de complicaciones macroangiopaticos en la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que precisa insulinoterapia [Predictive parameters for macroangiopathy Dissertations and Theses 363 complications in Type 2 diabetes which requires insulin] [dissertation]. Do rural Medicare patients have different post-acute service patterns than their non- rural counterparts? Der Anatom Eduard Jacobshagen (1886-1967) [The anatomist Eduard Jacobshagen (1886-1967)] [dissertation on microfiche]. Dissertation or thesis with place of publication not found on title page Publisher for a Dissertation or Thesis (required) General Rules for Publisher The publisher is the university or other institution granting the degree Record the name of the institution as it appears in the publication, using whatever capitalization and punctuation is found there 366 Citing Medicine Abbreviate well-known words in institutional names, such as Univ. 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For acutely ill asthmatic adults buy requip overnight delivery medications mothers milk thomas hale, 10 to 15 mg/kg per 24 hours intravenously of hydrocortisone (or its equivalent) is generally appropriate purchase requip australia medications used for depression. This would equate to a comparable dose of 600 to 900 mg of hydrocortisone (4 to 6 mg/kg in children) cheap requip 0.25mg with mastercard treatment glaucoma, 150 to 225 mg of prednisone (1 to 1. For maximum therapeutic benefit, treatment should be maintained for 36 to 48 hours depending on the clinical response. Dosing intervals depend on the clinical condition of the acutely ill asthmatic patient. When signs and symptoms improve, doses can be tapered to twice daily, then to a single morning daily dose. The total duration of intravenous therapy is dependent on both subjective and objective improvement in respiratory status and responsiveness to adrenergic bronchodilator therapy ( 54). In most hospitalized patients without risk for impending ventilatory failure, oral prednisone, prednisolone, or methylprednisolone are as effective as intravenous treatments ( 17). Prednisone, 40 to 60 mg/day (1 to 2 mg/kg/day in children), or methylprednisolone, 7. The clinician should attempt to reduce the dose by 5 to 10 mg every 2 weeks until the lowest clinically effective dose is reached. Pharmacologically, it would appear that newer compounds have substantially higher lipophilicity and topical potencies and lower systemic bioavailability than compounds developed earlier. Studies suggest that patients treated prophylactically before the allergy season have a significantly higher proportion of symptom-free days, and they experience reduced symptoms compared with placebo-treated groups. Local adverse effects on the nasal mucosa include epistaxis, which occurs in up to 5% to 8% of patients and is usually self-limiting. In severe cases of atopic dermatitis, oral steroids may be used sparingly ( 75,76). Allergic contact dermatitis that fails to respond to topical treatment may improve with once-daily, then alternate-day oral prednisone at doses of 30 to 60 mg for 1 to 2 weeks. Treatments for vernal keratoconjunctivitis, a severe but transient form of ocular allergy, include fluorometholone 0. Ocular corticosteroids should be managed by an ophthalmologist experienced in their use. Because it potentiates the tendency for paclitaxel (Taxol) to induce full-thickness skin necrosis, fluorometholone should not be used in patients receiving treatment with paclitaxel (81). Idiopathic Anaphylaxis Idiopathic anaphylaxis in both adults and children has been successfully treated with systemic prednisone, hydroxyzine, and albuterol to control symptoms and induce remission (82). Potential adverse effects of glucocorticoids Steroid-induced osteoporosis has been treated with alendronate, an antiresorptive agent ( 89), and ideally it is important to limit systemic steroid use as much as possible. The risk for bone loss increases with concomitant use of some medications, notably excessive thyroid replacement treatment. This is a medical emergency that requires prompt diagnosis and rapid treatment with intravenous hydrocortisone (2 mg/kg followed by 1. All adrenally suppressed individuals should receive hydrocortisone at the time of any surgical procedure or at times of acute stress. A review conducted by the Expert Panel Report 2 found that most studies did not demonstrate an effect on growth, but others did find growth delay ( 15). Because asthma itself appears to delay growth in some children ( 93,94), this issue remains controversial. Oral candidiasis is directly related to dose frequency, and both it and hoarseness appear to be dose dependent. A spacer may alleviate both oral candidiasis and hoarseness, and the former responds to oral antifungal preparations, such as nystatin. An alternative steroid could alleviate hoarseness, but simply resting the voice may help. Much more commonly, patients require large oral or inhaled doses to control their asthma. Further studies may reveal more about the mechanisms involved in steroid resistance or dependence. Methotrexate has both immunosuppressive and antiinflammatory mechanisms, but there is little evidence of immunosuppressive effects at low doses, and its benefit for asthma has not been confirmed. Oral gold also has a history of use for steroid-resistant or steroid-dependent asthma but can cause proteinuria and a skin rash. These treatments all have adverse effects that can cause problems of their own, so they have been recommended for treatment in asthma patients only when there is no alternative. The effect of a hormone of the adrenal cortex (17-hydroxy-11-dehydrocortiscosterone; compound E) and of pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone on rheumatoid arthritis. Aerosol beclomethasone dipropionate: a dose response study in chronic bronchial asthma. Steroid-dependent asthma treated with inhaled beclomethasone dipropionate: a long-term study. Changes in bronchial hyperreactivity induced by 4 weeks of treatment with antiasthmatic drugs in patients with allergic asthma: a comparison between budesonide and terbutaline. Effect of long-term treatment with inhaled corticosteroids and beta-agonists on the bronchial responsiveness in children with asthma. Daily cortisol production rate in man determined by stable isotope dilution/mass spectrometry. Role of transcriptional activation of I kappa B alpha in mediation of immunosuppression by glucocorticoids. Nasal inhalation of budesonide from a spacer in children with perennial rhinitis and asthma. Effectiveness of prophylactic inhaled steroids in childhood asthma: a systematic review of the literature. A review of the preclinical and clinical data of newer intranasal steroids used in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Intranasal corticosteroids for allergic rhinitis: how do different agents compare? Symposium: The use of inhaled corticosteroids in asthma: improving treatment goals for the millennium. Four-times-a-day dosing frequency is better than twice-a-day regimen in subjects requiring a high-dose inhaled steroid, budesonide, to control moderate to severe asthma. Comparison of intranasal triamcinolone acetonide with oral loratadine in the treatment of seasonal ragweed-induced allergic rhinitis. Triamcinolone acetonide aqueous nasal spray versus loratadine in seasonal allergic rhinitis. Fluticasone propionate aqueous nasal spray compare with oral loratadine in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis. A comparison of the efficacy and patient acceptability of budesonide and beclomethasone dipropionate aqueous nasals sprays in patients with perennial rhinitis.